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Регистрация: 31.03.2022

Nimeshkumar Patel

Специализация: .NET / Angular Developer
— Good knowledge of ASP .NET in web development using latest technologies like MVC and .Net Core and also have good command on latest Architecture design patterns. — Strongly interested in developing web application. — Possess strong Analytical skills & ability to perform multitasking within given deadlines. — Excellent time management skills with good verbal and written communication abilities. — Team Player/Individual Contributor who enjoys a challenge and achieving personal goals. Certifications: — Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate.
— Good knowledge of ASP .NET in web development using latest technologies like MVC and .Net Core and also have good command on latest Architecture design patterns. — Strongly interested in developing web application. — Possess strong Analytical skills & ability to perform multitasking within given deadlines. — Excellent time management skills with good verbal and written communication abilities. — Team Player/Individual Contributor who enjoys a challenge and achieving personal goals. Certifications: — Microsoft Certified: Azure Developer Associate.


Silverwing (E-Commerce Portal)

This is basically an E-Commerce platform with unique feature of offers. ● There are three main modules in this portal as Admin, Supplier and Buyer. ● Admin is basically a super user of the system who can monitor/restrict all transactions. ● Furthermore he can take stock of current orders with respective status, also he will have different set of reports. Supplier decides offers and discounts. Buyer will see the offers and decide to buy as per his requirement. Technology: Node JS, PostgreSQL, Angular JS 1.3.


● It's a loan providing company which works on referral base system. Users will get coins as much as they will refer other customers. As per earned coins user will be eligible for achieving different levels. There are 11 different levels. And as per their achieved level they will be eligible for certain amount of loan as well as they will earn some coins in wallet. Admin can manage coins to money conversion ratio, approve loan request. Role: Developer, Client communication. Technology: ASP.NET MVC C#, SQL Server, jQuery, Ajax, LINQ.

CBI(Colorado Bureau Of Investigation – Records Check

● A web site that allow users to check information about criminal history of a person. It has a public search and one account based search. The search has some criteria and produces the report with the data provided by a private server. Role: C# Developer, MS SQL Developer. Technology: ASP.NET C#, 3 Tier Architecture, J-query.



Опыт работы

Senior Software Engineer
с 01.2024 - По настоящий момент |NDA
ASP .NET, MVC, .Net Core
Senior Software Engineer
12.2019 - 11.2020 |Assertion IT
ASP .NET, MVC, .Net Core, Management, Project Management, Angular
Software Developer
06.2015 - 03.2018 |TatvaSoft
ASP .NET, MVC, .Net Core


Electronic and Communications Engineering (Бакалавр)
2011 - 2015
Vishwakarma Government Engineering College

