Roman Sorochin
Salt Edge
Entire packages installation and provision of HA Kubernetes cluster on KVM platform via Chef. CNI – Cilium; CRI – Containerd; LB – OpenELB; Kubelet API LB – Haproxy; Registry – Harbor.
Implementation of following systems\technologies: - Active Directory. - Integration of LDAP authentication for corporate systems and services (VPN, Gitlab, Jenkins, Zabbix e.t.c.). - Active-active load balancing (based on Envoy). - Jenkins (Ansible inventory based on Netbox) - VRRP. Virtual IP. Fault tolerance. - Migration of legacy machines (mainly lxc based) on hypervisor or docker based solutions. - Proxmox.
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- Deployment and maintenance of the integration layer. - Clustering, failover, balancing, proxying, queue-based integration, monitoring setup, automation and writing instructions. - Workflow on the basis of Jira and Confluence.