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● Developed easily deployable low-latency async application from scratch based on microservices architecture to provide collectible functionality for casual games, that increased game revenue by 8%. ● Created unit, component and contract tests, which covered applications code 96% in median. - Migrated applications from Java 11 to 17 and Spring from from 2xx to 3xx for app stability and further support. ● Took part in production application failures investigation. ● Deployed services to production using canary deployment policy.


● Improved candidate interview process to find engineers matching business requirements, which increased employee match to 82%, and decreased overall interviews amount to 62%. ● Conducted 100+ tech interviews with software engineers, aggregated statistics and provided requirements to HR department based on that. ● Created 3 month intern engineer education process to make engineer ready to work. ● Attracted and trained engineers to interview candidates, which increased the throughput for interviews by 32%

Innowise Group

● Lead team of 8 software engineers in developing and delivering cloud- based application, that increased revenue to 9%. ● Managed the software development lifecycle, including code reviews, testing, and deployment. ● Worked closely with customers to understand their requirements and implemented software solutions to meet their needs. ● Developed and delivered team training sessions to ensure team members were up to date on the latest technologies and tools. ● Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment with customer requirements.


Java 5-17
jUnit 5
Spring Boot Cache
Spring Boot CloudConfig
Spring Boot Data
Spring Boot Feign
Spring Boot Jpa

Опыт работы

Software Engineer / SRE
с 01.2023 - По настоящий момент |Tinkoff
Hibernate, Postgres, jUnit 5, Mockito, Wiremock
● Constructed the fallback logic for fee services for payment gateway with 30mil daily users and 800 rps, which increased stability for processing payments by 20% during fee services system failures. ● Took part in application production fails analysis and designed logic to improve system stability, which reduced critical fails by 4%. ● Tested software for bugs and operating speed, improved load tests, fixed bugs and documented processes to reduce regress testing by 17%. ● Improved and created application tech and business metrics to prevent system failures and monitor application stability. ● Put into operation new (micro)services to reduce chance of critical failures and increase application stability. ● Improved payment gate to process more requests with less resource usage, reduced 15% cpu resource consumption. ● Tuned database indexes and garbage collectors to decrease application response time, which decreased by 21% to 2.3 sec in 99 percentil.
Head of Java Department
09.2022 - 12.2022 |Modsen
● Improved candidate interview process to find engineers matching business requirements, which increased employee match to 82%, and decreased overall interviews amount to 62%. ● Conducted 100+ tech interviews with software engineers, aggregated statistics and provided requirements to HR department based on that. ● Created 3 month intern engineer education process to make engineer ready to work. ● Attracted and trained engineers to interview candidates, which increased the throughput for interviews by 32%
Java Developer
06.2021 - 08.2022 |Playtika
Java 11/17, Spring Boot (CloudConfig, Feign, ReactiveFeign, Hystrix, Ribbon, Sleuth, WebFlux, Admin), Kafka, Caffeine, Mapstruct, MariaDB, Hibernate, Liquibase, Aerospike, jUnit 5, Mockito, Wiremock, TestContainers, Maven, Jenkins, TeamCity, Prometheus, Grafana, ELK, Docker
● Developed easily deployable low-latency async application from scratch based on microservices architecture to provide collectible functionality for casual games, that increased game revenue by 8%. ● Created unit, component and contract tests, which covered applications code 96% in median. - Migrated applications from Java 11 to 17 and Spring from from 2xx to 3xx for app stability and further support. ● Took part in production application failures investigation. ● Deployed services to production using canary deployment policy.
Team Lead
03.2019 - 05.2021 |Innowise Group
Java 11, Spring Boot (Data, Jpa, Feign, CloudConfig, Cache, Netflix Stack), Caffeine, Mapstruct, FlyWay, Hibernate, Postgres, jUnit 5, Mockito, Wiremock, TestContainers, Gradle, TeamCity, OpenShift, Docker
● Lead team of 8 software engineers in developing and delivering cloud- based application, that increased revenue to 9%. ● Managed the software development lifecycle, including code reviews, testing, and deployment. ● Worked closely with customers to understand their requirements and implemented software solutions to meet their needs. ● Developed and delivered team training sessions to ensure team members were up to date on the latest technologies and tools. ● Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment with customer requirements.
Java Developer
03.2017 - 03.2019 |Innowise Group
Oracle, MySQL, Postgres
● First among banks to implement ability to register as self-employed and pay taxes from mobile application, which increased the number of clients by 4%. ● Payments based on templates have been completely redesigned, which has improved the user experience and allowed to take second place among the best banking applications. ● Took part in projects with different domains: healthcare, fintech, travel. ● Created database migrations for multiple at once SQL bases: Oracle, MySQL, Postgres


Software controlled electron - optical systems (Бакалавр)
2014 - 2018
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics.

Дополнительное образование

Java SE 11 Developer

