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Регистрация: 27.03.2023

Mostafa Hassan

Специализация: Architect / SRE engineer
— Results-driven and highly skilled IT professional with extensive experience in leading and architecting complex software systems. — Seeking a challenging role as a Lead Architect where I can utilize my technical expertise, leadership skills, and strategic mindset to design and deliver innovative solutions that drive business growth and success. — Specializing in AWS and Azure cloud platforms.
— Results-driven and highly skilled IT professional with extensive experience in leading and architecting complex software systems. — Seeking a challenging role as a Lead Architect where I can utilize my technical expertise, leadership skills, and strategic mindset to design and deliver innovative solutions that drive business growth and success. — Specializing in AWS and Azure cloud platforms.



Employment type: contract by Cyient Japan for Hitachi construction machinery Client: Hitachi, Tokyo, Japan Duration: Sept 2023 – current Job Title: Consultant, senior software engineer Project description: Jan-April Reviewing and testing end to end solution that involves consuming log files from a cold storage on Azure blob account thru azure function to be redistributed for analytics using Azure synapse, the tenure included reviewing the network design, testing both functional and non functional requirements to match the SLA, testing azure function code, suggesting advanced security and operation solution to assure high availability, fault tolerance, and elasticity while keeping the cost at lowest. Sept-Dec Developing Hitachi's satellite forecasting project which made significant strides. The Node.js backend played a crucial role, seamlessly fetching and filtering data from an API source. This curated information was then stored efficiently in an Azure MySQL database, ensuring accessibility and reliability. The frontend interface was equipped with a dynamic weather radar map, providing users with a visual representation of satellite data. The forecasting capability extended up to 5 days ahead, allowing users to explore various satellites based on parameters such as elevation, altitude, longitude, and latitude. This comprehensive solution empowered users to make informed decisions by leveraging real-time and forecasted satellite data. Jan-Apr Designing an API architecture project, bridging the gap between CDC logs repository, Azure Functions, and Blob Storage. This initiative aimed at handling diverse data formats, ranging from zipped files to binary and JSON.


• Worked as a data engineer and IS support engineer, led cross-functional teams to design and implement integration solutions for the enterprise client to help migrating on-prem to AWS redshift using C# and SQL SSIS. • Prepared SIT, UAT and POCs after each step, a restless API was also a part of the testing and development life cycle. • Verifying that all CTEs of SQL work fine on the data warehouse. • Preparing additional views as data marts to pick-and-use on tableau. • Communicated project progress and deliverables to clients and senior management.


• Developed and maintained slack application integration module using java to help automating statistics generated from each channel, per key word. • Developed a visualization dashboard on slack using python to monitor the CI/CD issues during specific time frame. • Created an RPA that crawls inside Ci/CD logs, escalate and page all incidents on certain time interval. • Led a team of developers and ops to start innovating and plot some R&D to see if it would appeal to the client. • Implemented agile methodologies to improve project management processes.


Programing using python
Node JS
React JS
cosmos DB
Power Bi
Azure DevOps
Azure repos
Graph QL
MDM design and implementation

Опыт работы

Consultant / Senior Software Engineer
с 09.2023 - По настоящий момент |Hitachi
Azure, Node.js, Azure, MySQL, API architecture, Azure Functions, Blob Storage, JSON
Jan-April. ● Reviewing and testing end to end solution that involves consuming log files from a cold storage on Azure blob account thru azure function to be redistributed for analytics using Azure synapse, the tenure included reviewing the network design, testing both functional and non functional requirements to match the SLA, testing azure function code, suggesting advanced security and operation solution to assure high availability, fault tolerance, and elasticity while keeping the cost at lowest. Sept-Dec. ● Developing Hitachi's satellite forecasting project which made significant strides. The Node.js backend played a crucial role, seamlessly fetching and filtering data from an API source. This curated information was then stored efficiently in an Azure MySQL database, ensuring accessibility and reliability. The frontend interface was equipped with a dynamic weather radar map, providing users with a visual representation of satellite data. The forecasting capability extended up to 5 days ahead, allowing users to explore various satellites based on parameters such as elevation, altitude, longitude, and latitude. This comprehensive solution empowered users to make informed decisions by leveraging real-time and forecasted satellite data. Jan-~. ● Designing an API architecture project, bridging the gap between CDC logs repository, Azure Functions, and Blob Storage. This initiative aimed at handling diverse data formats, ranging from zipped files to binary and JSON. The meticulously crafted documentation addressed security measures, error handling strategies, and protocols for seamless request transmission and reception. By establishing this robust API, the system ensured secure, efficient, and reliable communication among the components involved, offering a streamlined workflow for managing and processing heterogeneous data types within the Azure environment.
Python Developer
01.2023 - 08.2023 |oracleai.allelez.com
AI/ML, Python
● I was developing oracleai.allelez.com which uses AI/ML presented in LLM to make an artificial brain that replies in short precise sentences.
Senior SW engineer sre
04.2020 - 12.2022 |Apple
Teamcity splunk docker k8 python rds
Data analyst / ETL
06.2019 - 01.2020 |IQOS PMJ JP
• Worked as a data engineer and IS support engineer, led cross-functional teams to design and implement integration solutions for the enterprise client to help migrating on-prem to AWS redshift using C# and SQL SSIS. • Prepared SIT, UAT and POCs after each step, a restless API was also a part of the testing and development life cycle. • Verifying that all CTEs of SQL work fine on the data warehouse. • Preparing additional views as data marts to pick-and-use on tableau. • Communicated project progress and deliverables to clients and senior management.
Full-stack developer
03.2019 - 05.2019 |CAD software Zuken Yokohama
C#, JS, angular, Kanban, junit testing
• Working as a full stack developer to enhance a middle-ware CAD plugin developed in C# while the back end is written in Java the front end is written in angular JS and junit testing was also part of my assignment. • Implemented a solution to dead-lock occurs on file in use,via precise check-in check-out method. • Used Japanese Kanban as agile and a sprint was two weeks.
AWS developer
12.2018 - 02.2019 |Hitachi
AWS KCL, Java, Maven, Python , lambda
• Developed a state of the art IOT system using Amazon's AWS KCL, Java, Maven, Python , lambda, AWS kinesis technology, SQS NodeJS lambda and JS to interface with bunch of APIs and operate MQTT, HTTP to serve a highly scaled JSON and BINARY streaming application that monitors drivers status on road and communicate with other IOT devices. • JUNIT deliverables including 80% code coverage and mocking all objects. • DynamoDB as a noSQL has been adopted to ensure semi-structred sent files are also delivered, such as zip files.
Java developer
09.2018 - 11.2018 |TIS Tokyo
JAVA spring maven, JSON PostgreSQL, jQuery, MVC architecture
• Extended the functionality a web application using JAVA spring maven / JSON PostgreSQL and elastic search as of databaseless light weight front end that counts on Para as a backend to interface with elastics search. jQuery helps creating a modern look and feel with minimum postback and spring boot enabled a solid MVC architecture that engages more of object oriented database than rational. Test cases ran much on this piece of software which made it a reliable solution for the organization. “Canal.tis.co.jp”
04.2018 - 08.2018 |Owner
PHP, Xml, WordPress
• Online presence that helps business owners be a different type of the same thing, Allele is a type of gene that makes us different and ALLEZ should go the extra-mile via business support (IT, translation, education and AI consulting services) - currently developing ALLELEZ AI using Sci-kit-learn and tensor flow to aggregate and collect data from search engines and start a learning module. Built using WordPress, PHP, Xml, Shopify and stripe for E-commerce, the website is currently accepting requests for business services.
Android Mobile Application developer
09.2017 - 03.2018 |BrainWorks
• Tourist concierge is a mobile app that I have developed to help tourists find shops and other amenities using google maps and proximity-GEO search, Japanese and English both are supported.
03.2012 - 04.2013 |QMA, museum of Islamic art, Government of Qatar
Joomla, jQuery
• Developed the website's gallery using Joomla CMS and jQuery plugins to enable a responsive and modern look and feel. In addition to an intranet application for reporting services using SharePoint to help QMA’s Chair Board members with their decision making.
IT Specialist
03.2007 - 02.2012 |Ministry of Industry and Trade
• Integrating Paperless workflow DMS with File Net using Barcode technology and developed a set of intranet applications to help creating set of apps such as signage and annotation using E-signature all using Dot Net technology. • I have attended an intensive course on digital water marking in Stockholm, Sweden which helped my understanding of steganography, encryption algorithm, SSL and others.
IT Specialist
01.2004 - 01.2007 |Ministry of Industry and Trade
• Built the website’s UX/UI, wireframe and both front end and back end built using C# and SQL server yet BizTalk was used as a Bi tool to pull and push data between ends and the E-commerce part was done using an in-house solution where BankMisr provided a payment gateway which enabled the integration module that offered SSL, payment and processing all in one module. During this time, I have attended an intensive E-commerce workshop in Beijing, China.


Msc (Магистр)
Kobe university


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