Frontend Developer
04.2023 - 08.2023 |Logic Software
Frontend Developer
04.2023 - 08.2023 |Birdview
JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, Redux-Toolkit, Redux Dynamic Modules, React-i18next, React Router, Normalizr, Lodash, StoryBook, Jest, react-testing-library, ESLint, Prettier, TSLint, Git, Github, Figma
A platform for planning and managing projects, resources, budget and time. Handled the implementation of functionality according to assigned business requirements.
- Creating new modules.
- Implemented new features and reusable components.
- Code optimization.
- Developed new UI -components.
- Bug fixes.
- Code-review.
- Wrote unit tests.
Frontend Developer
02.2022 - 04.2023 |ID Finance
Frontend Developer
02.2022 - 04.2023 |Solva
JavaScript, TypeScript, React, React-i18next, React Router, CSS Modules, Radix-UI, StoryBook, Yup, Formik, React Hook Form, ESLint, Prettier, TSLint, Git, Github, Figma, Jira
Personal Loan Service. Participated in the implementation of registration and personal user account, creating a library of components to be added to StoryBook. Engaged in internationalization of the project. Migration of react-router-dom and react to current versions.
- Creating new modules.
- Supported existing modules.
- Implemented new features and reusable components.
- Code optimization.
- Code-review.
Frontend Developer
07.2021 - 02.2022 |I-TecoI
JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Redux, RxJs, Styled-Components, ESLint, Prettier, Immutable.js, Gitm, Gitlab
I-Teco implements innovative projects for leading Russian banks, insurance and telecommunication companies, as well as corporations in the trade sector.
We were developing a service that allows communication in the Telegram channel (incoming and outgoing messages) and sms messages.
- Implementing new features.
- Code optimization.
- Developed new UI -components.
- Code-reviews.
Frontend Developer
01.2021 - 07.2021 |Gost Group
JavaScript, React, Redux, Redux-thunk, ESLint, SonarQube, Git, Gitlab
GOST Group ("GOST Group") specializes in analytics, consulting and business application development services.
We have developed a system that allows you to create catalogs of any kind (telephone, directory with educational or scientific materials) dynamically and work with them.
It is possible to create new catalogs (enter all information, characteristics of a particular resource) or work with already created catalogs: change information.
- Creating new modules.
- Implementing new features.
- Code optimization.
- Developed new UI -components.
Frontend Developer
11.2019 - 12.2020 |MosGorEnergosbyt
JavaScript, HTML, SASS, ExtJs, SonarQube, Git, Bitbucket
CRM-system, designed to automate and optimize work with customers, as well as for use by operators and contact center specialists, managers and employees of internal departments and services that perform customer service functions and analyze requests.
- Creating new modules.
- Supported existing modules.
- Implemented new features.
- Communication with backend.
- Code optimization.
- Stabilization.
Frontend Developer
10.2019 - 02.2022 |Anderesen
ExtJS, JS, TS, React