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Регистрация: 11.12.2023

Stanislav Borovikov

Специализация: Software Test Engineer / System administrator



Search inform - SearchInform is one of the leading risk management productdevelopers. For over a decade the company has been a technologicaltrailblazer focusing on contemporary cybersecurity threats, protecting businessand government institutions against data theft, harmful human behavior, compliance breaches and incomplete audit. - Software Test Engineer. - Create, update and review test documentation Performing test scripts and reviewing actual versus expected results Communicating a lot with developers, other testers, interface designers,project managers, etc. - Creating test data for specific scenariosDetecting and tracking software defects and inconsistencies. - Creation and execution of detailed test plans for new and updatedapplications. - Creation of detailed test reports. Identification and documentation of testdefects encountered while testing. - Execute tests for all technology platforms. - Automation of testing of web gui application. Python + Selenium. - Automation of testing of server side rest api python. - Rest api testing Postman + python. - Manual Testing.

JSC Baltic Balkerny Terminal

- Administering bring your own mobile devices and controlling company pad’swith mobile device management system; - Administering, configuring andworking with searchinform DLP system (www.searchinform.ru); AdministeringVmWare cluster; - Controlling and administering backups of VmWare cluster, Microsoft VDI cluster, physical servers, SQL servers and file servers; - Configuration and administration of internet entrance point proxy + vpn; failure-free operation of equipment including installation, updating andoperation of various software, PC servicing, troubleshooting; support andadministering local network; selection and purchase of various equipmentand software for clients; searching and analyzing of various information; search of suppliers; drafting and monitoring of contracts and technicaldocumentation for purchase of equipment and software including by meansof www.zakupki.gov.ru (official web portal of the Unified information systemfor purchase in the RF); links and interaction with contractors of the company; - Provision of technical support and training to users.

Bastion Group LLC

- Administering bring your own mobile devices and controlling company pad’swith mobile device management system; - Administering, configuring andworking with searchinform DLP system (www.searchinform.ru); AdministeringVmWare cluster; - Controlling and administering backups of VmWare cluster, Microsoft VDI cluster, physical servers, SQL servers and file servers; - Configuration and administration of internet entrance point proxy + vpn; failure-free operation of equipment including installation, updating andoperation of various software, PC servicing, troubleshooting; support andadministering local network; selection and purchase of various equipmentand software for clients; searching and analyzing of various information; search of suppliers; drafting and monitoring of contracts and technicaldocumentation for purchase of equipment and software including by meansof www.zakupki.gov.ru (official web portal of the Unified information systemfor purchase in the RF); links and interaction with contractors of the company; - Provision of technical support and training to users.


Active Directory
HP network
IBM Domino
Infotrend DAS\NAS\SAN
IP tables
Manual Testing
MS Office
Rest api testing
SearchInform DLP
Ubuntu Linux Openvpn
Veritas Backup Exec
VmWare esxi\vsphere 5.5/6/6.5
Windows server
Windows XP/7/10

Опыт работы

Software Test Engineer
с 05.2018 - По настоящий момент |Searchinform
Search inform - SearchInform is one of the leading risk management productdevelopers. For over a decade the company has been a technologicaltrailblazer focusing on contemporary cybersecurity threats, protecting businessand government institutions against data theft, harmful human behavior, compliance breaches and incomplete audit. - Software Test Engineer. - Create, update and review test documentation Performing test scripts and reviewing actual versus expected results Communicating a lot with developers, other testers, interface designers,project managers, etc. - Creating test data for specific scenariosDetecting and tracking software defects and inconsistencies. - Creation and execution of detailed test plans for new and updatedapplications. - Creation of detailed test reports. Identification and documentation of testdefects encountered while testing. - Execute tests for all technology platforms. - Automation of testing of web gui application. Python + Selenium. - Automation of testing of server side rest api python. - Rest api testing Postman + python. - Manual Testing.
Swift coder
08.2017 - 04.2018 |NDA
System administrator
07.2014 - 08.2017 |JSC Baltic Balkerny Terminal
- Administering bring your own mobile devices and controlling company pad’swith mobile device management system; - Administering, configuring andworking with searchinform DLP system (www.searchinform.ru); AdministeringVmWare cluster; - Controlling and administering backups of VmWare cluster, Microsoft VDI cluster, physical servers, SQL servers and file servers; - Configuration and administration of internet entrance point proxy + vpn; failure-free operation of equipment including installation, updating andoperation of various software, PC servicing, troubleshooting; support andadministering local network; selection and purchase of various equipmentand software for clients; searching and analyzing of various information; search of suppliers; drafting and monitoring of contracts and technicaldocumentation for purchase of equipment and software including by meansof www.zakupki.gov.ru (official web portal of the Unified information systemfor purchase in the RF); links and interaction with contractors of the company; - Provision of technical support and training to users.
System administrator
02.2013 - 08.2013 |Bastion Group LLC
- Maintenance of technical support and training of users, uninterrupted operationof equipment and telecommunication equipment, installation, updatingand operation of software, PC maintenance, troubleshooting. - Support andadministration of the local network. - And also the selection and purchase ofvarious equipment and software for customers. - Interaction with the customersof the company. - Support and update of the company's website.
System administrator
04.2010 - 01.2012 |Alkor Bio LLC
- Maintenance of technical support and training of users, uninterrupted operationof equipment and telecommunication equipment, installation, updatingand operation of software, PC maintenance, troubleshooting. - Support andadministration of the local network. - Work with suppliers of office equipment,computers, consumables. - Creating and managing virtual machines virtual box.
System administrator
01.2009 - 04.2010 |ARK-Technologies LLC
- Providing technical support to users, uninterrupted operationof equipment and telecommunications equipment, installation, updatingand operation of software, PC maintenance, troubleshooting. Supportand administration of the local network. - Providing information security tocustomers. Regular customers I served: "Alloy", including the head officeand 5 stores (network of 30 computers); "Rostservis" (local network of30 computers); "Magistralstroyservis" (a local network of 40 computers).Responsibilities: advising clients on all IT issues, maintaining the local network,computers and servers in a working state, as well as providing informationsecurity. - The chain of shops "Splav" - in the office of 5 computers 1 server,also the office is combined with a store, in which there are 3 computers. Inthe remaining stores there are 4 to 5 computers. In each store there is aserver on which stands DB SQL. From each store, a VPN is organized to thehead office in Moscow. My duties: maintaining all the equipment in workingorder, organizing anti-virus and information security, maintaining a constantconnection with the office in Moscow. "Rostservis": 30 computers 1 server Win 2003, at the moment they work in the program Technician-Kommersant (file DB), 1C version 7.7, with e-mail. "Magistralstroyservis": - Implemented:installation of the server on which Win 2003 is installed as a virtual machine ina Debian host machine. - Participated in the development and implementation ofserver security from unwanted intrusions and unauthorized access, includingthe ability to destroy sensitive and confidential information in the event of suchpenetration. - A system has been developed and implemented that limits thework and access to classified data, including the inability to copy these data byunauthorized persons.
System Administrator
10.2007 - 10.2008 |PetroPalace Hotel
- Maintenance of technical support of users, uninterrupted operation ofequipment and telecommunication equipment, installation, updating andoperation of software, maintenance of PCs and all office equipment, identification and elimination of malfunctions. - Support and administration of thelocal network (servers: fax, Radius, timelox, Opera, 30 PCs). - Interaction withsuppliers, service providers, experience with RAdmin and DameWare.
09.2005 - 03.2006 |Rik Computers
- Demonstration and verification of the operation of computer, network and officeequipment; - Sales to both individual and corporate clients.
11.2004 - 01.2005 |Alpha Computers
- Receiver of technology in the sales department. - Responsibilities: acceptanceand transfer of equipment to the warehouse and the trading floor. - Registrationof relevant documentation using the program 1C-Enterprise 7.7.
System administrator
06.2004 - 10.2004 |Computer club sp34
- Maintain a network of 21 computers. - Work with visitors, including settlementand cash services.


Computer Science
2001 - 2005
Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnic University

