Stanislav Borovikov
Search inform - SearchInform is one of the leading risk management productdevelopers. For over a decade the company has been a technologicaltrailblazer focusing on contemporary cybersecurity threats, protecting businessand government institutions against data theft, harmful human behavior, compliance breaches and incomplete audit. - Software Test Engineer. - Create, update and review test documentation Performing test scripts and reviewing actual versus expected results Communicating a lot with developers, other testers, interface designers,project managers, etc. - Creating test data for specific scenariosDetecting and tracking software defects and inconsistencies. - Creation and execution of detailed test plans for new and updatedapplications. - Creation of detailed test reports. Identification and documentation of testdefects encountered while testing. - Execute tests for all technology platforms. - Automation of testing of web gui application. Python + Selenium. - Automation of testing of server side rest api python. - Rest api testing Postman + python. - Manual Testing.
JSC Baltic Balkerny Terminal
- Administering bring your own mobile devices and controlling company pad’swith mobile device management system; - Administering, configuring andworking with searchinform DLP system (; AdministeringVmWare cluster; - Controlling and administering backups of VmWare cluster, Microsoft VDI cluster, physical servers, SQL servers and file servers; - Configuration and administration of internet entrance point proxy + vpn; failure-free operation of equipment including installation, updating andoperation of various software, PC servicing, troubleshooting; support andadministering local network; selection and purchase of various equipmentand software for clients; searching and analyzing of various information; search of suppliers; drafting and monitoring of contracts and technicaldocumentation for purchase of equipment and software including by meansof (official web portal of the Unified information systemfor purchase in the RF); links and interaction with contractors of the company; - Provision of technical support and training to users.
Bastion Group LLC
- Administering bring your own mobile devices and controlling company pad’swith mobile device management system; - Administering, configuring andworking with searchinform DLP system (; AdministeringVmWare cluster; - Controlling and administering backups of VmWare cluster, Microsoft VDI cluster, physical servers, SQL servers and file servers; - Configuration and administration of internet entrance point proxy + vpn; failure-free operation of equipment including installation, updating andoperation of various software, PC servicing, troubleshooting; support andadministering local network; selection and purchase of various equipmentand software for clients; searching and analyzing of various information; search of suppliers; drafting and monitoring of contracts and technicaldocumentation for purchase of equipment and software including by meansof (official web portal of the Unified information systemfor purchase in the RF); links and interaction with contractors of the company; - Provision of technical support and training to users.