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Регистрация: 22.03.2023

Даниил Лопутев

Специализация: Java Developer


Согtех Technology

● Automated processing for deposit, withdrawal, and currency exchange transactions by integrating the payment system, optimizing key back-office operations. ● Standardized and optimized the business reporting system, reducing report development time by 2–3x and improving quality through reusable, pre-tested components. Built a custom library to minimize code redundancy across reports. ● Took charge of critical production issues, including a one-time migration of user funds to a new platform and resolving a transaction data error due to incorrect data mapping. ● Built a Telegram bot for alerting the dev team to production issues, particularly frontend browser-specific errors.


● Description: Remote platform with hardcore java course. ● Studying in the format: Here is the Technical Task, do it, upload it to GitHub and give the link to the Team Lead (Mentor), if anything wrong, you will edit it yourself (work / studying as in real work). Some of more that ten projects: ● Vacance's parser with scheduled launch. ● Site for car sale.

ZooKeeper Master

● About the project: Functionality on top of ZooKeeper API. ● You can work with multiple servers at the same time. ● View the full status of servers with a single command, copy nodes from server to server, and more.


Spring Framework
Apache Maven
Intellij IDEA

Опыт работы

Java Software Developer
Pet projects
Kotlin, LibGDX, LibKTX, Java 11, Spring, Core, MVC, Test, Apache ZooKeeper
1. ZooKeeper Master: ● About the project: Functionality on top of ZooKeeper API. ● You can work with multiple servers at the same time. ● View the full status of servers with a single command, copy nodes from server to server, and more. 2. Card parser: ● About the project: Solitaire for Android. ● You can play different types of Solitaire + you can customize the background, cards, card back.
Java Software Developer
04.2021 - 10.2022 |Согtех Technology
Java, Kotlin, Spring, Boot, Web, Data, JPA, Test, Ktor, Core, Serialization, Client, Serialization, Content Negotiation, GraphQL, SQL, PostgreSQL, QueryDsl, Hibernate, Liquibase, Docker, RabbitMQ, Maven, Gradle Koin, Retrofit, Apache POI, RSQL, ModelMapper, Thymeleaf
● Automated processing for deposit, withdrawal, and currency exchange transactions by integrating the payment system, optimizing key back-office operations. ● Standardized and optimized the business reporting system, reducing report development time by 2–3x and improving quality through reusable, pre-tested components. Built a custom library to minimize code redundancy across reports. ● Took charge of critical production issues, including a one-time migration of user funds to a new platform and resolving a transaction data error due to incorrect data mapping. ● Built a Telegram bot for alerting the dev team to production issues, particularly frontend browser-specific errors.
Java Software Developer
09.2014 - 03.2021 |Job4j
Java 14, Java EE Servlets, Apache Tomcat, Hibernation, Postgres, JS, AJAX, HTML5, Bootstrap , Gson, JSON, DAO, Maven, JDBC, Jsoup
● Description: Remote platform with hardcore java course. ● Studying in the format: Here is the Technical Task, do it, upload it to GitHub and give the link to the Team Lead (Mentor), if anything wrong, you will edit it yourself (work / studying as in real work). Some of more that ten projects: ● Vacance's parser with scheduled launch. ● Site for car sale.


ESOL English L1 (Upper Intermediate)
2019 - 2021
Coventry City College


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