Даниил Лопутев
Согtех Technology
● Automated processing for deposit, withdrawal, and currency exchange transactions by integrating the payment system, optimizing key back-office operations. ● Standardized and optimized the business reporting system, reducing report development time by 2–3x and improving quality through reusable, pre-tested components. Built a custom library to minimize code redundancy across reports. ● Took charge of critical production issues, including a one-time migration of user funds to a new platform and resolving a transaction data error due to incorrect data mapping. ● Built a Telegram bot for alerting the dev team to production issues, particularly frontend browser-specific errors.
● Description: Remote platform with hardcore java course. ● Studying in the format: Here is the Technical Task, do it, upload it to GitHub and give the link to the Team Lead (Mentor), if anything wrong, you will edit it yourself (work / studying as in real work). Some of more that ten projects: ● Vacance's parser with scheduled launch. ● Site for car sale.
ZooKeeper Master
● About the project: Functionality on top of ZooKeeper API. ● You can work with multiple servers at the same time. ● View the full status of servers with a single command, copy nodes from server to server, and more.