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Регистрация: 04.04.2024

Вадим Глушонков

Специализация: QA Automation / Lead



Products: International payment processing, and payment solution for funds transfer using phone number via central bank. Leading activities: ● Managing up to 5 QA specialists. ● QA process launch and coordination for 2 company projects: one production-launched, other in development state. ● Hiring QA Engineers, onboarding and training. ● Сбор и анализ метрик разработки / тестирования. ● Dev/QA metrics automatic acquisition and analysis. Automation activities: ● REST API automation (unit/e2e) with restassured for microservices, framework development. ● Swagger integration and APIs models automatic validation, test automatic generation. ● Test launch CI integration and Allure reporting. ● Test plan / Checklist development.


Product: NUUM - mobile phone app for virtual bank card issuing with internal game items marketplace Leading activities: ● Adding QA practice to the development cycle. ● Developing QA processes for all products: backend, web apps, mobile app releases. ● New QA operations and tools integration. ● Hiring QA Engineers, onboarding and training. Automation: ● REST API automation (restassured) for several project microservices. ● Swagger integration and APIs models automatic validation. ● UI E2E Android scenarios automation (Appium + Jupiter). ● Test plan / Checklist development.


Working on customer's site (one of the biggest banks in Russia) on a new project for bank departments workers. ● REST API automation (restassured + cucumber) for several project microservices: module, integration, acceptance tests. ● Swagger integration and APIs models automatic validation. ● UI E2E scenarios automation (selenium + cucumber). ● Test plan development with Zephyr for Jira, coverage metrics, other test documentation. ● QA tests implementation into deployment pipelines for different environments. ● Isolated module development and publishing to bank's artifactory for company-wide QAs usage.


Selenium IDE
Atlassian Products

Опыт работы

QA Automation / Lead
с 05.2022 - По настоящий момент |Velox
Fintech, Maven, Java, RestAssured, GIT, Docker, Swagger, Gitlab, AWS, Allure Testops
Products: International payment processing, and payment solution for funds transfer using phone number via central bank. Leading activities: ● Managing up to 5 QA specialists. ● QA process launch and coordination for 2 company projects: one production-launched, other in development state. ● Hiring QA Engineers, onboarding and training. ● Сбор и анализ метрик разработки / тестирования. ● Dev/QA metrics automatic acquisition and analysis. Automation activities: ● REST API automation (unit/e2e) with restassured for microservices, framework development. ● Swagger integration and APIs models automatic validation, test automatic generation. ● Test launch CI integration and Allure reporting. ● Test plan / Checklist development.
QA Automation / Lead
09.2020 - 05.2022 |MTS
Gradle, Kotlin, RestAssured, Appium, GIT, Docker, Swagger, Gitlab, Kafka, SQL
Product: NUUM - mobile phone app for virtual bank card issuing with internal game items marketplace Leading activities: ● Adding QA practice to the development cycle. ● Developing QA processes for all products: backend, web apps, mobile app releases. ● New QA operations and tools integration. ● Hiring QA Engineers, onboarding and training. Automation: ● REST API automation (restassured) for several project microservices. ● Swagger integration and APIs models automatic validation. ● UI E2E Android scenarios automation (Appium + Jupiter). ● Test plan / Checklist development.
QA Automation Java
11.2019 - 09.2020 |Альфа-Банк
Java, Gradle, GIT (Bitbucket), Docker, Swagger, Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence, Zephyr, RestAssured, Cucumber
Working on customer's site (one of the biggest banks in Russia) on a new project for bank departments workers. ● REST API automation (restassured + cucumber) for several project microservices: module, integration, acceptance tests. ● Swagger integration and APIs models automatic validation. ● UI E2E scenarios automation (selenium + cucumber). ● Test plan development with Zephyr for Jira, coverage metrics, other test documentation. ● QA tests implementation into deployment pipelines for different environments. ● Isolated module development and publishing to bank's artifactory for company-wide QAs usage.
QA Lead / Automation
06.2018 - 10.2019 |PlasmaBank
Blockchain, JS, Mocha, Chai, Puppeteer, GIT, Docker, Swagger, Gitlab, JIRA, Confluence
Leading activities: ● Adding QA practice to the development cycle. ● Developing QA processes for all products: backend, web apps, mobile app releases. ● New QA operations and tools integration. ● Hiring QA Engineers. Automation activities: ● Few REST APIs automation with Docker + JS + Mocha and adding tests to GitLab runner. ● UI browser tests automation with Puppeteer. ● APIs description with Swagger and it's implementation to test automation process. ● Smoke and Full Test Plan development.
QA Lead / Automation
07.2016 - 05.2018 |Wheely
Java, TestNG, GIT, Maven, Docker, Swagger, RAML, Jenkins, Teamcity, JIRA, Confluence, TestRail, Periscope, Kibana, Sentry
Leading activities: ● Adding QA practice to the development cycle. ● Developing QA processes for all products: backend, web apps, mobile app releases. ● Production errors research process: who overlooked this to prod, what developers and testers should do not to let this happen again. ● Issues prioritizing for the team and business, performance control, release management, support request analysis. ● Job interviews and motivation. ● Monthly quality metrics publication. ● New QA operations and tools integration (test management tools, design, documentation testing, etc). Automation activities: ● Few APIs (REST & WSS) automation with Docker + Maven + Java + TestNG and adding tests to backend deployment process on Jenkins. ● APIs description with Swagger and it's implementation to test automation process. ● Two parallel test threads execution, passing wait status and other data to each other.
Senior QA Automation Engineer
06.2015 - 06.2016 |PayQR
Java, TestNG, GIT, ANT, Maven, Jenkins, JIRA, Confluence, Selenium Grid, Android Studio, Gradle, Genymotion, Appium, Dashing-JS, Node.js, Coffee, SCSS
Activities: - Automation possibility research for the project consisting of backend, frontend, few APIs and mobile apps. - API and frontend user stories automation with Java + TestNG + Selenium Grid. - Android app automation: Jenkins Build APK job (GIT + Gradle) + Java & TestNG + Selenium Grid + Appium server + Genymotion Android Sim. - Monitoring service development (monitoring API, URLs accessibility, partners availability, etc) with Jenkins + Java + TestNG + ICINGA2 + Graphite and notifications thru all available channels. ● Monitoring service upgrade (financial and all other available data) with Dashing-JS (adding Nodejs data parsers for widgets). ● Backend and frontend load testing to find 'bottlenecks' with own java-developed tool and Yandex.Tank. ● Moving towards Continuous Delivery (infrastructure, deploy, testing automation). ● QA Leading: issues prioritizing for the team and business, performance control, release management. ● Job interviews and motivation. ● System stability technical reports for business. ● New QA operations and tools integration.
01.2012 - 05.2015 |Айлав
Python, Java, TestNG, GIT, ANT, Maven, Jenkins
● Cross-browser acceptance testing. ● Test plan and methodology development. ● Jenkins CI build and testing implementation. ● Automatic test case development with Sahi & Behat (Gherkin + Mink + PHP). ● Code testing: PEP8 for Python & PMD, Checkstyle, Duplicate Code for Symfony2 projects.
Testing specialist
04.2010 - 03.2011 |САЙТЭК
JIRA, Java, TestNG, GIT
● Functional, regression and load testing of company's products: data mining, data analysis, decision making and document flow systems ● Test plan and methodology development ● JIRA interaction ● Data mining system logs analysis
Test plan developer
12.2006 - 03.2010 |Компания Xim Inc.
JIRA, Java, TestNG, GIT
● Test plan and stratery development for phone's apps and functios (Internet Browser, File Manager, Messaging Client, Download Agent, DRM Agent, etc.). ● Automatic and manual test case development for mobile phone simulators running on Windows. ● Creating a web portal for testing different services and markup of the mobile browser. ● Openwave "V7" mobile browser automatic test case coverage. ● "Dynamic Homescreen" by Myriad Group automatic and manual test case coverage. ● Flash apps for Facebook and Myspace by "Slide" automatic test case coverage.


Cybernetics / Automated systems engineer / System Analyst (Магистр)
2002 - 2008
Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering

