Vadim Assman
● Manufacture of Cardiology Medical Equipment. 14 People in charge. ● In charge of the areas of: Production and Technical Service, I+D, Software Development, Quality and Projects. ● My main objective was focused on the management and administration of resources and suppliers, in such a way as to guarantee compliance with the client and the company deadlines, margins and keys. ● Another important activity in my role was the detection and promotion of capacities that guarantee a staff of its own and autonomous personnel. 1. Mendoza Province Telecardiology Project. 2. Carlos Casares Municipality Telecardiology Project. 3. I+D of medical equipment of own manufacture. 4. 100% National production with CE certification.
Enel X
● Design and development of Products / Services areas IoT, Automation, Security, Smart City and Energy. 1. Replacement of 6000 public lights to LED. Municipality of Lanus. 2. Replacement project for 3500 public lights to LED. Municipality of Ezeiza. 3. Project of electrical adaptation and replacement of lights in the Florencio Varela Penitentiary Unit. 4. Luminaire Remote Management Project. Control and automation of 1000 lights.
● As the head of the PMO department, I oversee over 40 ongoing projects for global clients in Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. ● These projects involve the provision and implementation of the latest technologies in Audio-Visual, CCTV,and Access Control, utilizing leading manufacturers such as Crestron, QSC,Lenel, Tyco, Honeywell, and Bosch. ● My role is to ensure that these projects are delivered successfully, on time and within budget. 1. Oil & Gas Lead Company’s Projectso. 2. Healthcareo. 3. Industry.