Gulnara Shcherbakova
Provider of free wi-fi spots. I created a web platform for aggregating news media and publishing it on a number of media websites affiliated with free wi-fi spots: ● Saved for the editors team $25.000 per month by designing feature for publishing content to all websites simultaneously. ● Increased revenue by 20%, and reduced costs by 80% by designing and leading the development of a solution for partnership and advertising. ● Improved delivery process that resulted in features being released on time and regularly by introducing scrum framework.
Mobile Solutions
B2B and B2C software development for business. ● Led cross-functional teams of 8-12 (engineers, designers, tester) and revamped developing workflow to achieve project goals, implementing agile methodologies, code reviews, and step-by-step testing. ● Launched 17+ projects from start to finish for various product domains for customers from USA, Azerbaijan, Latvia and Russia.
Leader in providing mobile POS terminals and SaaS solutions for retail and e-commerce in Russia. I maintained and developed an Android platform toolset for Android-based smart devices that includes a setup wizard, updating, monitoring, and remote access systems, running on over 600 000 devices: ● Insured consistency and reaching project goals in efficient cross-functional collaboration by coordinating 3 project teams simultaneously. ● Reduced Time to market by 50% by running a scrum framework. ● Decrease costs for pre-sale preparation of devices by 30% by designing a solution, managing its development, and leading implementation. ● Reduced the release process from 3 hours to 10 minutes by designing a new updating system (frontend, backend, and android app).