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Регистрация: 09.04.2023


X4 Integration with interfaces

Description: Interfaces accomplish the task of importing/loading data from various data sources like CSV reports, database, etc. processes the data to convert it into a required output format and transfers the output to destination systems. Key Deliverable: • Designed and developed new interfaces. • Enhancements and bug fixes for the existing interfaces.

Data Ingestion services

Description: Data is present in different kinds of storage systems like database, file etc. This data is processed and converted in defined format and ingested in data lake so that it can be later utilized for research and analysis purpose. Key Deliverable: Design and develop microservices to deploy on GCP for ingestion purpose

Cloud Security and Virtualization

Description: It enables privacy preserving data sharing using trusted environment. It ensures that each data provider’s data is only accessed by approved analytical workloads running inside the trusted environment, and the data is not leaked to anyone. To support big-data analytics, it is designed to provide the ability to create a trusted cluster as the trusted environment to host large-scale, distributed analytics workloads. Key Deliverable: • Designed and developed several modules of the cluster such as DKMS, workflow verifier. • Assisted to the development of modules such as encFS, Attested SSL client and server. • Responsible for unit testing and integration testing of modules in the cluster


Spring Boot

Опыт работы

BA Developer - Senior Associate
04.2020 - 03.2023 |VTB Bank SE
Microsoft PowerShell, Java, JIRA, Oracle
Description: Interfaces accomplish the task of importing/loading data from various data sources like CSV reports, database, etc. processes the data to convert it into a required output format and transfers the output to destination systems. Key Deliverable: • Designed and developed new interfaces. • Enhancements and bug fixes for the existing interfaces.


Computer Science (Бакалавр)
2008 - 2012
VJTI Mumbai


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