Denis Piata
High-load data management platform for top Russian advertisers (Yandex, Sberbank, VTB) serving 10+ million users and processing 100+ million rows of data monthly. - Revised ETL pipeline with AirFlow, boosting performance by 2x compared to legacy tech (Celery cron jobs). - Development airflow dag - tests calculation for system monitoring ML models. - Introduced monitoring with Flower and Grafana which decreased number of errors in x1,5 times. - Migrated Django + DRF monolith from 2.2 to 4.0 and decomposed into microservices.
The biggest insurance company in Russia, more than 6000 employees. - Developed API for clinics on top of Django DRF, Celery. - Built FastAPI-based data service to transmit medical data to ML team via RabbitMQ. - Introduced Docker-Compose with Docker multistage for local development and authored GitLab actions. - Developed Gitlab CI/CD pipelines with Devops.
- Was responsible for 2 CRM systems: warehouse CRM for building company, LMS system for Maximum (top-ranked service for high school exams in Russia). - Integrated 3rd-party school government services and created new API endpoints. - Refactored authorization flow to JWT tokens in LMS system. - Optimized SQL-queries with Django Toolbar, complex joins, indexes. - Increased test coverage for old CRM system from 57% to 80% with pytest, mocks. - Introduced linters and formatters on project such as flake8, black, isort.