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Регистрация: 18.08.2023

Evgeny Satyev

Специализация: C# developer | backend | full-stack
An experienced web developer with a university degree in IT and over a year of commercial development experience. My professional experience lies in developing backend for web applications in large enterprises, mostly with inclusion of REST APIs, microservices, DevOps pipelines and autotests. Finished curriculum at 42 Wolfsburg software engineering school. My personal and study projects can be seen on my GitHub profile. Fluent English, actively learning German. Open to both backend and full stack developer roles.
An experienced web developer with a university degree in IT and over a year of commercial development experience. My professional experience lies in developing backend for web applications in large enterprises, mostly with inclusion of REST APIs, microservices, DevOps pipelines and autotests. Finished curriculum at 42 Wolfsburg software engineering school. My personal and study projects can be seen on my GitHub profile. Fluent English, actively learning German. Open to both backend and full stack developer roles.



Starting as a salesperson in a camera store, in 2017 I moved to the newly created position of used equipment manager, where I created and further developed new business opportunity pipeline, which is buying out used equipment from customers and further reselling it through company's webiste and local store.


- Work in an Agile team of 6 people, of which 3 employees are engaged in development. - The project is a monolithic web application. Several other projects depended on our API. - Contributing to both the application's backend (using ASP.NET and Entity Framework) and frontend (employing Razor and AJAX). Aside of that, my responsibilities included deploying new releases (via Azure DevOps and IIS), preparing and executing database migrations (using Entity Framework/Core), reviewing pull requests.


- Working on backend for the microservice application with web and mobile apps. - Learned to work in cross-functional team of 50+ employees with testing, mobile and DevOps employees. After an intensive two-month training period, I seamlessly transitioned into active project participation - implementing features, analyzing and fixing bugs, expanding API functionality.


Agile Methodologies
Azure DevOps
Backend developing
Business-to-Business (B2B)
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Commercial Photography
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)
Digital Photography
Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
Entity Framework (EF)
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)
Machine Learning
Microsoft Azure
.NET Core
.NET Framework
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
Operating Systems
Public Relations
R (Programming Language)
Selenium Testing
SOLID Design Principles
Web Development

Опыт работы

C# middle backend Developer
05.2022 - 10.2022 |Gazpromneft Digital
Back-End Web Development · REST APIs · IIS · Azure DevOps · JavaScript · ASP.NET AJAX · Bitbucket · Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) · DevOps · MySQL · ASP.NET Core · .NET Core · .Net · Microsoft Azure · ASP.NET
The project is a monolithic web application - a system for calculating operating and capital costs of oil field construction. Working in an Agile team. Working on both the application backend (ASP.NET, Entity Framework) and frontend (Razor, AJAX). Deploying new releases (Azure DevOps, IIS), preparing and performing database migrations (entity framework / core), reviewing pull requests.
C# backend Developer intern
10.2021 - 05.2022 |Sber
C# · REST APIs · Microservices · MySQL · ASP.NET Core · .NET Core · Entity Framework (EF) Core · .Net · ASP.NET · Domain-Driven Design (DDD)
The project is a document workflow app with web and mobile apps. Working on app backend. Learned to work in cross-functional Agile team of 40+ employees with testing, mobile and DevOps employees. After 2 months of rapid training, started working on real world tasks given by team lead - updating API, fixing bugs etc.
Salesman, division manager
10.2012 - 03.2020 |Yarkiy
Sales, Business-to-Business (B2B), Public Relations, Digital Photography
Starting as a salesperson in a camera store, in 2017 I moved to the newly created position of used equipment manager, where I created and further developed new business opportunity pipeline, which is buying out used equipment from customers and further reselling it through company's webiste and local store. Impact: · In my role as manager of the used equipment department, a colleague and I organized from scratch and improved a new business process for the company. Well-established processes described the work of more than 20 employees and opened up a whole new source of profit for the company. · The new division I was in charge of allowed the company to partner with vendors to create trade-in offers for customers: “sell your old camera, buy a new one at a discount”. As a result, more than 15 vendors participated in the program, which led to an increase in sales of vendor products and additional income for the company from the resale of used equipment. · Personally collaborated with manufacturers such as Fujifilm, Olympus, Nikon, Zeiss. At least 60 times I attended various events like photo conventions and festivals at the vendor's representative's booth, communicated with the public, promoted the product and my company.


Software Engeneering
2020 - 2023
Computer Software Engineering
2020 - 2022
School 21
Business Informatics (Бакалавр)
2019 - 2023
Ural State University of Economics


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