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Регистрация: 15.06.2022

Peter Matukhov

Специализация: Backend developer &


T1 Cloud web admin & billing

As a lead backend-developer & teamlead I released and extended web-admin service for the new private cloud product (T1-Cloud). The scope of the project included Python backends (Bottle, Flask frameworks) for multiple microservices, from REST API for frontend, to ETL pipelines for pre-billing data retrieval from several virtualization providers.

State Lottery Pobeda - ticket generation & billing backend

- Designed and implemented new ticket-generation backend in short notice, which allowed the project to stay on schedule and was flexible enough to build more then 20 lottery-based-games on top of it. - Implemeted new online billing system, compatible with several payment gateways and also compliant with state-lottery reaquirements.

Yandex Talents Job Board

As a team leader I was responsible for transforming a startup-like prototype AI-driven chat bot to a full-blown job-board web service with job and candidate recommendation system (still AI-driven), Yandex-powered job-search and a great number of integrations with Yandex Portal and Yandex search system. I was also in charge of overall system design and development process and I took part in backend implementation.



Опыт работы

Team leader & Backend-developer
с 05.2021 - По настоящий момент |Toloka.ai
Kotlin, Java, Python, PostgreSQL, SQS, Kafka, ELK
Led design and development of a new data-labeling product "Toloka Apps" within Toloka.ai from product requirements to public release. Planned and led team transition from one project to another while also switching tech stack from Python\Go to Kotlin\JVM. Designed and decomposed API, back-end services & pipelines configuration, and data storages for the new product, allowing customers to use easily-configurable data-labelling pipelines for frequent business cases (Toloka Apps). Set up better dev-cycle processes better suited for launching a new project - planning, design & refinement, release notes, etc. Participated in product design and implementation for new applications inside Toloka, trying to improve user experience for out customers. Oversaw individual developer plans, aligning them with product plans and team activities. Preserved regular dev-cycle activities - daily stand-ups and weekly retrospectives, 1-1 meetings, design&planning sessions, performance reviews. Interviewed & hired new team members.
Backend developer & Team leader
04.2019 - 05.2021 |Yandex
Python 3, Golang, PostgreSQL, ReactJS, C++, various Yandex in-house storage/search/cloud systems
Leading development team for one of Yandex services, focusing on HR, mass-hiring and automated candidate assessment. Expanded the initial development team from 5 to 9 engineers. Including initial screening, interviewing, assessing candidates. Also, I was in charge of the on-boarding of the newcomers. Led the design-process and implementation of business-critical features (billing system, integration API, universal react-based front-end, full-text search, job-board). Delivered code into data-processing back-end, conducted peer code-reviews for part of the features delivered by the team. Designed, planned and delivered the new version of external API, simplifying integration processes for customers. Proposed, planned and led development of the new version of back-end architecture. That later allowed the team to spend less time designing and estimating individual features. Gathered initial requirements from sales- and product-teams and planned for big projects within the product, which later got into development. Preserved regular dev cycle activities - daily stand-ups and weekly retrospectives, 1-1 meetings, design&planning sessions, performance reviews.
backend developer
05.2016 - 04.2019 |t1cloud.ru
Python 3, OpenStack, VMWare, MySQL, Redis, Tarantool, Docker, AngularJS
Implemented a web-service providing Cloud Infrastructure (utilizing both OpenStack and VMware platforms) for corporate customers within a team of 4-8 engineers. Built public REST API used by SPA-frontend. Extended OpenStack snapshot functions - added periodic snapshot creationusing Cinder API. Automated deployment of several IaaS and PaaS services on OpenStack,utilizing OpenStack Heat, Angular-playbooks, raw OpenStack API. Built data-retrieval module to receive usage-data from OpenStack Ceilometer,later OpenStack Gnocchi for billing calculations. Implemented rule-driven billing microservice to calculate customer resourceusage on a per-resource basis (e.g. CPU-cores, Memory, HDD, IP, etc.) It could also accurately interpolate current usage to the end of the month so that customers would know what`s coming. ImplementedBilling-to-SAPintegrationlayertotransferusagedatafor\nancial analysis. Implemented Gitlab-based CIKCD pipelines with automated test-runs, source linting and Docker-build. We also had API docs re-generated on every backend update (powered by sphinx-doc). Implemented application log collection via Elastic-Logstash-:ibana. Managed and planned work (2-week sprints) for a team of 8 engineers, bothin-house and remote. Conducted systematic code review and set-up cross-review process in projectteam. Interviewed & hired developers for the in-house team.


Mathematical methods applied to economy (Магистр)
1997 - 2002
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


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