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Регистрация: 09.01.2023

Dmitrii Bogatyr

Специализация: Senior DevOps Engineer / SRE / AWS Certified / CKA
I am an Engineer with experience in cloud, Linux technologies, and automation. I work in close partnership with clients and help them to discover their true requirements, goals, objectives, and to choose the right technical and architectural solutions. In the past few years, I was working on big international projects with customers from Asia, Europe, and USA and team leading engineers on these projects.
I am an Engineer with experience in cloud, Linux technologies, and automation. I work in close partnership with clients and help them to discover their true requirements, goals, objectives, and to choose the right technical and architectural solutions. In the past few years, I was working on big international projects with customers from Asia, Europe, and USA and team leading engineers on these projects.


Senior DevOps Engineer / SRE in GlobalDots

- Configure monitoring and alerting of cloud resources with notification. - Produce gitlab migration with python. - Adoption of the IaC approach.

USA services provider in Aligned Research Group LLC

- Cloud migration: AWS, Azure. - Implemented pipelines to deploy to AWS ( EKS, ECS ) with scalable function without any manual work. - Reduced time from build to deploy by 70%. - Removed most of the manual work dealing with applications. - Jenkins + Github integration. - Implemented Jenkins Shared library so our pipelines would be shorter and flexible. - Slack notification. - Versioning python code with PyPI repository. - A lot of useful python scripts: config generation for application, test nodes for availability with the following report, GitHub API, AWS API, etc. - Automation of installation of kubernetes in high availability mode by pressing one button in Jenkins. - Automation of any procedure with kubernetes: rbac, generation of access Configs, Helm deployment. - Grafana as a code approach.

Senior DevOps Engineer in First Line Software

- Implemented Highly-Available HDFS cluster with automatc standby – promoton, automated with ansible. - Created playbook with automated installaton kafa cluster, zookeeper quorum, hbase cluster and other diferent services. - Implemented Highly-Available Postgresql soluton Postgres-XL. - Implemented Zabbix monitoring with alertng to Telegram channel. - Implemented ELK logging systems to get logs from servers. - Implemented Kubernetes cluster. - Implemented scalable, distributed fle system glusterfs.


Amazon Web Services
DNS High-Availability – Master – Slave
Ispconfg -VDS
Poxmox VE
Windows AD: ACL

Опыт работы

DevOps Engineer / SRE
с 04.2021 - По настоящий момент |GlobalDots
IaC Terraform and Terragrunt (AWS, Azure)
- CI/CD aws, github actions, gitlab. - Clouds: AWS, GCP, Azure. - Docker, Docker-compose, Kubernetes. - VPNs Wireguard, Strongswan, Pritunl. - Monitoring and Logs ELK, Datadog, Cloudwatch, Slack. - Scripting Bash, Python. - Nginx, Apache, Mongodb, Postgresql, Redis, Proxmox, Ansible, Sonarqube, etc. - SLO/SLI/SLA. - On-call duty. - GitOps approach: Argocd. - Provided system support, troubleshoot and fixed bugs and errors.
DevOps Engineer / SRE
12.2020 - 04.2021 |Dialog Platform
OpenShift, Jenkins CI/CD
- Managing microservices on OpenShift. - IaC with Terraform and ansible, developing modules and extend existing functionality. - Jenkins CI/CD pipelines, Shared libs, Vault integration, Make, Gitops, Docker. - Tasks decomposition, estimation, planning. - Analysis of requirements, solution discussions, and decisions on the implementation plan.
DevOps Engineer
09.2018 - 12.2020 |Aligned Research Group LLC
Docker, Kubernetes, CI\CD, Python, Golang, Java, Groovy, Bash, Groovy, Nginx, Redis, Grafana and Prometheus, Artifactory, Maven, Gradle, Gitlab, Jenkins
First Project: - Creating Docker images, managing Docker containers. - Orchestrating Docker with Kubernetes bare metal and AWS (ECS, EKS). - Automating Kubernetes with helm charts. - CI\CD with Jenkins pipelines. - Infrastructure as a code approach using Terraform with AWS and Azure. - Configuration management with ansible. - Support various programming language environment like Python, Golang, Java. - Monitoring with Prometheus and visualize with Grafana. - Scripting with Python, Groovy, Bash. - Kafka and Zookeeper clustering. - Hadoop and Glusterfs storages. - Load balancing with Nginx. - NoSQL with Redis. Second Project: - Cloud computing infrastructure: openstack. - Monitoring with Grafana and Prometheus. - Working with kubernetes: jenkins deployment, helm, linkerd, rbac, ci/cd, automation, logging, monitoring. - CI\CD with Jenkins pipelines. - Logs monitoring with ELK. - IaC and Configuration management with terraform and ansible. - Keeping credentials in vault, service discovery with consul. - Distributed tracing system with jaeger. - Artifactory, maven, gradle, gitlab, java.
DevOps Engineer
11.2017 - 08.2018 |First Line Software
dev/test/stage/prod environment, AWS, Docker, Kubernetes
- Confgure dev/test/stage/prod environment. Setting up the whole infrastructure and processes: CI\CD, monitoring, logging, storage, automaton. - Determining root cause of problems reported by developers and providing rapid analysis and solutions to reported issues. - Worked on 5 projects, 3 of them Hadoop stack: 8 nodes hdfs in High Availability mode/ Yarn cluster, processing with Apache spark, Kafka clustering, Hbase in High Availability mode, Zookeeper quorum. - Experience with AWS cloud: EC2, S3, Route53, Ci\CD tools, monitoring, automaton. - CI\CD with Jenkins pipeline, TeamCity and AWS code pipeline. - Creatng docker images and deploy on Kubernetes. - Monitoring zabbix and prometheus. - Security: Frewall, Vault hashicorp, Ssh.
Linux system administrator
10.2016 - 02.2017 |LiveLinux
Nginx, Apache, Php-fpm, Opcache, Memcached, Mariadb, Ispconfg-VDS, Poxmox VE
- Technical support of users and developers. - Zabbix monitoring. - Setting up test/stage/prod environment: Nginx, Apache, Php-fpm, Opcache, Memcached, Mariadb, Ispconfg-VDS на базе Poxmox VE. - Web site moving, Confgure CMS (Wordpress, Drupal, Bitrix), speed up web sites, servers audit/shared hostng. - DNS, mail, DHCP, FTP, backups, RAIDs.
Systems Security Administrator, Unix systems administrator
11.2015 - 09.2017 |Юлмарт ulmart.ru
DNS High-Availability – Master – Slave, Corosync, Pacemaker, DHCP, Samba, Nginx, Zabbix, Jira, Confuence, FreeIPA, Mysql
- Participation in the organization of security infrastructure of the company at a physycal level from scratch. - Administration and technical support of CCTV. - Administration and technical support of Access control system over 100 units, over 700 users. - Design and implementation CCTV. Network hardware HP Switches. - Setup and administred linux services: DNS High-Availability – Master – Slave, Squid Proxy server clustered: Corosync + Pacemaker, DHCP, Samba, nginx, Zabbix, Jira, Confuence, FreeIPA, mysql. - Performed regural backups. - A lot of bash scriptng. - Support and confgure terminal servers.
Support Engineer
02.2015 - 06.2015 |Liberty Mutual Insurance
Windows AD: ACL, Zabbix
- Technical Support. - Monitoring Zabbix. - Windows AD: ACL, Groups, Users. - Helping users with their issues.


Certified Kubernetes Administrator
AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate
Information security
2013 - 2017
Санкт-Петербургский Государственный Университет Технологии и Дизайна

