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Регистрация: 13.04.2023

Anton Dziadziulia

Специализация: DevOps engineer/monitoring engineer
I've been using DevOps practices in my work for six years. My achievements Took part in (open source migration, complete network upgrade) - for the Company Group "Parfumbythim"/Retail network "Mila". Implementation of monitoring systems (transition from Zabbix to Prometheus) for the company lifetech (Turkcell Group). Participated as an engineer in development of mobile application for lifetech (Turkcell Group) I am a team player and always try to perform my work as well as possible.
I've been using DevOps practices in my work for six years. My achievements Took part in (open source migration, complete network upgrade) - for the Company Group "Parfumbythim"/Retail network "Mila". Implementation of monitoring systems (transition from Zabbix to Prometheus) for the company lifetech (Turkcell Group). Participated as an engineer in development of mobile application for lifetech (Turkcell Group) I am a team player and always try to perform my work as well as possible.


миграция и построение мониторинга компании

Во время работы на компании lifetech произвел миграцию и развивал систему мониторинга Prometheus

Участие в проекте создания мобильного приложения

Как devOps инженер участвовал в разработке и реализации проекта мобильного приложения для оператора сотовой связи

Миграниция на open source торговой сети Мила

Как инженер производил замену, настройку под ключ комплексного решения на open source. Подготовка и замена сетевого оборудования на решение mikrotik, подготовка рабочих станций пользователей на linux mint



Опыт работы

DevOps Engineer
01.2022 - 03.2023 |Awario
linux zabbix grafana git teamcity ansible puppet shell docker docker_compose elk
Worked with software development and testing team members to design and develop robust solutions to meet client requirements for functionality, scalability, and performance. Researched and identified new technologies to use in agile development environment. Investigated new and emerging software applications to select and implement administrative information systems. Collaborated with team to analyze system solutions based on client requirements. Tuned systems to boost performance. Built automation tools and applications to deploy next-generation platforms. Collaborated with team to determine application requirement specifications. PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY SKILLS WORK HISTORYDirected software design and development to meet client needs for functionality and performance. Diagnosed and executed resolution for network and server issues. Planned and implemented upgrades to system hardware and software. Researched and recommended new technologies and strategies for improving system performance. Maintained flexible schedule and responded to after-hours and weekend emergencies
DevOps Engineer
01.2019 - 12.2021 |lifetech, Turkcell Group
linux prometheus filebeat elk git jenkins ELK kafka
Investigated new and emerging software applications to select and implement administrative information systems. Researched and identified new technologies to use in agile development environment. Worked with software development and testing team members to design and develop robust solutions to meet client requirements for functionality, scalability, and performance. Collaborated with team to analyze system solutions based on client requirements. Teamed with business analysts to deliver high-availability solutions for mission-critical applications. Documented project design for reference and future use cases. Drove project lifespan from concept to final rollout in development and deployment. Built automation tools and applications to deploy next-generation platforms. Collaborated closely with product development teams and other stakeholders. Led server infrastructure development, quality assurance, staging and production systems. Planned and implemented upgrades to system hardware and software. Researched and recommended new technologies and strategies for improving system performance. Maintained smooth operation of multi-user computer systems through collaboration with hardware and network engineers. Analyzed complex project server issues and worked on large enterprise and business-critical applications. Evaluated software products to determine compatibility with existing systems. Devised scripts and automation tools to improve system efficiency. Preserved system documentation accuracy via regular data updates and graphical refreshes.
Linux System Administrator
10.2016 - 12.2018 |Company Group «Parfumbythim»/Retail network «Mila»
linux mikrotik ansible
Tested software remotely and onsite for server sets to maintain operational readiness. Mentored employees and offered constructive feedback for performance improvement. Contributed to development, administration and testing of disaster recovery plans. Oversaw file system and storage upgrades while safeguarding data integrity and redundancy. Served as subject matter expert on proposed technology purchases. Worked with users to determine areas of technology in need of improved usability. Performed software installations and upgrades to UNIX or Windows operating systems. Implemented corrective plans of action for network availability and latency. Integrated and updated software products to boost system compatibility. Adopted cost-effective, useful solutions to implement into current systems. Detailed upcoming software upgrades and system sprints to team members.Drove continuous improvement of IT governance processes. Delivered Tier 2 and Tier 3 support for problem identification, diagnosis and issue resolution. Implemented, developed and tested installation and update of file servers, print servers and application servers. Diagnosed and executed resolution for network and server issues. Installed system-wide hardware components, confirming interoperation and compatibility with Linux-based software
Support Engineer
06.2013 - 09.2016 |Belteleradiocompany
Windows support
Provided input to team lead regarding areas for process and procedural improvement. Contributed to development, administration and testing of disaster recovery plans. Oversaw file system and storage upgrades while safeguarding data integrity and redundancy. Worked with users to determine areas of technology in need of improved usability. Performed software installations and upgrades to Windows operating systems. Integrated and updated software products to boost system compatibility. Adopted cost-effective, useful solutions to implement into current systems. Installed important security and functionality patches to maintain optimal protections against intrusion and system reliability. Provisioned new software and hardware for use, following established security policies


multimedia distribution engineer (Бакалавр)
2007 - 2012
Belarusian State University of Informatics And Radioelectronics

