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Регистрация: 21.02.2023

Kanat Kaliyev

Специализация: DevOps engineer
- Responsiveness. - Politeness. - Ability to easily find contact with people. - Self-confidence. - Ability to easily maintain business and professional contacts. - Ability to prioritize. - Optimism. - Ability to achieve goals. - Ability to effectively plan your time. - Systems thinking. - Attention to details. - Willingness to make decisions independently. - Skill to work in team. - Commitment to professional development. - Initiative.
- Responsiveness. - Politeness. - Ability to easily find contact with people. - Self-confidence. - Ability to easily maintain business and professional contacts. - Ability to prioritize. - Optimism. - Ability to achieve goals. - Ability to effectively plan your time. - Systems thinking. - Attention to details. - Willingness to make decisions independently. - Skill to work in team. - Commitment to professional development. - Initiative.



- Answering calls, providing a point of contact with customers. - Registration and further support of incidents, complaints and inquiries. - Informing clients about the current status of the request and the progress of work on it. - Performing an initial evaluation of the request, trying to resolve it yourself, or forwarding in accordance with a service level agreement. - Incident lifecycle management, including confirmation of its elimination, closure of incidents and coordination of closure with the client. - Joint planning and implementation of short-term changes in the levels of individual services with clients. - Provision of management information and development of proposals for improving service. - Identification of problems (causes of incidents). - Informing about the need to improve services. - Work with Cisco equipment.


- Deploy and administration Kubernetes cluster with Kubespray. - Update Kubernetes cluster without interrupt. - Scale Kubernetes cluster. - Install and configure Nginx. - Git for control version. - GitLab for save projects. - CI/CD for automatically deploy - Work with Docker containers. - Administrations OS based Unix. - Monitoring Grafana/Prometeus. - Deploy ELK (Elasticsearch, logstash, curator, kibana). - Developing Ansible roles. - Using Helm like packet manage.


- Manage DevOps team. - Distribution of tasks between engineers. - Deploy Kubernetes cluster. - Contribute to design and deploy of solution, in capacity and resource planning. - Setup monitoring, teach engineers to setup. - Task planning. - Work with AWS. - ELK. - Developing ansible playbook for deploy Kafka cluster.


Veeam B&R
VMware vSphere

Опыт работы

Supervisor DevOps
с 02.2022 - По настоящий момент |Kcell
Kafka, Grafana, Prometheus, Alertmanager,Git, GitLab, Jenkins, Harness, AWS
- Manage DevOps team. - Distribution of tasks between engineers. - Deploy Kubernetes cluster. - Contribute to design and deploy of solution, in capacity and resource planning. - Setup monitoring, teach engineers to setup. - Task planning. - Work with AWS. - ELK. - Developing ansible playbook for deploy Kafka cluster.
Senior DevOps Engineer
07.2021 - 01.2022 |Kcell
Grafana/Prometeus, Unix, Kubernetes, GitLab, CI/CD
- Deploy and administration Kubernetes cluster with Kubespray. - Update Kubernetes cluster without interrupt. - Scale Kubernetes cluster. - Install and configure Nginx. - Git for control version. - GitLab for save projects. - CI/CD for automatically deploy - Work with Docker containers. - Administrations OS based Unix. - Monitoring Grafana/Prometeus. - Deploy ELK (Elasticsearch, logstash, curator, kibana). - Developing Ansible roles. - Using Helm like packet manag.
Virtual Platforms Senior Engineer / DevOps Engineer
06.2020 - 06.2021 |Kcell
Grafana, Ansible, Kubernetes
- Deploy/Administration VMware vSphere 5.5/6.5/7.0 (200 physical servers, more 2500 virtual machines). - Ensuring the uninterrupted operation of the virtual platform and its physical servers. - Development of technical documentation for the purchase of equipment. - Migrate virtual platform from old to new servers. - Migrate virtual platform from HDD storage to NVME storage. - Monitoring physical servers. - Work with Global support. - Work with vRops(load monitoring, create load report). - Work with PowerCLI. - Work with support physical servers Sun, HP, Dell, Huawei. - Administration virtual machines OS on *unix/Windows. - Administration/Update Veeam Backup&Replication backup system. - Testing backup files - Veeam SureBackup. - Add addition nodes to Veeam B&R for decrease backup time. - Participication in projects. - Configure ELK filebeat on virtual machines. - Install and configure Grafana. - Prometheus for metrics. - Working with Docker images (run and troubleshooting). - Prepare virtual machines for deploy Kubernetes Cluster. - Develop Ansible roles.
Backup system Senior Engineer
10.2019 - 06.2020 |Kcell
HP, DELL, Oracle
- Administration Veritas NetBackup backup system. - Administration OS on *unix/Windows. - Work with tape library HP MSL6480 (TLD), SL3000 (ASC). - Work with HW support HP, DELL, ORACLE. - Work with Global support. - Deploy backup and automatization scripts. - Testing backup files - Veeam SureBackup. - Work with Data Domain systems. - Configuring Deduplication backup. - Work with physically Veritas NetBackup Appliance system (install, configure, manage). - Communication with Technical Department engineers.
Paymets gateway engineer
07.2016 - 10.2019 |Kcell
Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL
- Administration Payment system. - Integration new agents with payment gateway. - Work with billing systems (check payments). - Install and configure software for payment gateway. - Configuring access for new users. - Resource monitoring. - Work with Payment Gateway support. - Work with DB (Oracle, MSSQL, PostgreSQL). Create selects. - Deploy script for reconciliation between billing and payment gateway.
Head of IT unit
08.2014 - 07.2016 |LLP "Microfinance organization "Kaz Credit Line"
- Administration of operating systems, hardware and backup systems. - Support the working state of the software. - Training users to work in the network, keeping archives. - Answers to user questions related to the network. - Write instructions for working with network software and communicating to users. - Restriction of access to local and global networks. - Setting restrictions for users by using a workstation time. - Ensuring timely backup and backup of data. - Testing and restoring backups. - Identification of user errors. - Monitoring of network and equipment. - Ensuring network security. - Ensuring fault tolerance of servers. - Restricting access to users. - Providing access via VPN (OpenVPN, L2TP). - Working with Fujitsu servers. - Creating a failover cluster based on VMware vSphere VSAN 5.5. - Configuring Cisco equipment (creating DMVPN tunnels, working with access-list). - Installing and configuring Elastix Asterisk. - Purchase of equipment, software. - Experience with a data storage system. - Archiving and data recovery using Veeam B&R, Symantec Backup Exec. - Data growth control.
System administrator
04.2014 - 08.2014 |LLP "Microfinance organization "Technodom"
- Installation of operating systems and software necessary for work on servers and workstations. - Implementation of software configuration on servers and workstations. - Implementation of technical and software support for users, consulting users on the operation of the local network and programs, write instructions for working with the software and bringing them to the attention of users. - Establishing access rights and controlling the use of network resources. - Ensuring timely copying, archiving and data backup. - Identifying user and software errors and taking corrective action. - Network monitoring, development and proposals for the development of network infrastructure. - Ensuring network security (protection against unauthorized access to information, viewing or changing system files and data), security of interconnection. - Providing anti-virus protection of the local area network, servers and workstations. - Preparation of proposals for the modernization and purchase of network equipment. - Control over the installation of local network equipment by specialists from third-party organizations.
IT engineer
01.2014 - 04.2014 |LLP "Microfinance organization "Technodom"
- Answering calls, providing a point of contact with customers. - Informing clients about the current status of the request and the progress of work on it. - Performing an initial evaluation of the request, trying to resolve it yourself, or forwarding in accordance with a service level agreement. - Incident lifecycle management, including confirmation of its elimination, closure of incidents and coordination of closure with the client. - Joint planning and implementation of short-term changes in the levels of individual services with clients. - Provision of management information and development of proposals for improving service. - Identification of problems (causes of incidents). - Informing about the need to improve services. - Work with the Business Process Management Information System. - Ensuring the smooth operation of the office and points. - Support for the health of servers based on Windows Server 2012. - Support for the operability of a proxy server based on Linux.
System administrator
09.2013 - 01.2014 |JSC "Finance Academy"
- Installs operating systems and software necessary for work on servers and workstations. - Carries out software configuration on servers and workstations. - Maintains the software of servers and workstations in working order. - Provides timely copying, archiving and data backup. - Takes measures to restore the performance of the local network in case of failures or failure of network equipment. - Identifies user and software errors and takes measures to correct them. - Network monitoring, development of proposals for the development of network infrastructure. - Providing network security (protection against unauthorized access to information, viewing or changing system files and data), security of interconnection. - Providing anti-virus protection of the local computer network, servers and workstations. - Preparation of proposals for the modernization and purchase of network equipment. - Providing control over the installation of local network equipment by specialists from third-party organizations. - Informing your immediate supervisor about cases of violation of the rules for using the local area network and the measures taken.
System engineer
09.2012 - 08.2013 |IT Support Group, LLP
- Provision of installation, adjustment and commissioning of new equipment. - Works on installation, configuration and maintenance of applied software. - Equipment damage analysis. - Checking the file system. - Backup (archiving) of the file system, technical support for users. - Checking the installation of user access rights on all PCs. - Preparation of system units at user workplaces in a condition fit for use. - Inspection of the technical condition of new and existing PCs and equipment. - Checking the status of anti-virus protection of all PCs. - Testing and debugging for newly purchased PCs.
06.2011 - 08.2011 |OMEGA – SECTOR
- Providing software integration at workstations. - Support the working state of the software. - Organizes access to local and global networks. - Turns to technical personnel when troubleshooting network equipment. - Participates in the restoration of system performance in case of failures and failure of network equipment. - Detects errors of users and network software and restores system performance. - Monitors the network, develops proposals for the development of the network infrastructure.
HelpDesk Intern
05.2010 - 08.2010 |BankPozitiv
- Answering calls, providing a point of contact with customers. - Registration and further support of incidents, complaints and inquiries. - Informing clients about the current status of the request and the progress of work on it. - Performing an initial evaluation of the request, trying to resolve it yourself, or forwarding in accordance with a service level agreement. - Incident lifecycle management, including confirmation of its elimination, closure of incidents and coordination of closure with the client. - Joint planning and implementation of short-term changes in the levels of individual services with clients. - Provision of management information and development of proposals for improving service. - Identification of problems (causes of incidents). - Informing about the need to improve services. - Work with Cisco equipment.


Maintenance and repair of radio-electronic technologies, Radio technician
По 2009
Almaty College of Energy and Electronic Technologies
Information Systems, Computer Science and Software Engineering
По 2013
International Informational Technology University


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