Farrukh Sharipov
In this company we developed and deployed few services with mircosevices architecture, this services used for sending and recieving xml documents. We used java8 / spring boot / spring data / postgresql, liquibase / junit / mockito / sonarclaud / swagger / grafana / prometheus / maven / redis / h2 / for develop and for containerazation Docker and docker-compose, for deploy used CI/CD bitbucket and aws. Tasks: - Writed xml parser with dom. - Writed xml generate from excell file. - Writed convert from xml to csv, xls, xlsx file used pattern factory. - Writed many unit tests ( >80%). - Writed xml transform with xslt file for xml documents. - Worked with kafka. - Code review another developers. - Worked with bitbucker ci/cd for deploy. - Used agile and git flow. - Worked with Docker, Docker-Compose, Docker-Registry.
Developed web application.Worked in a team of 15 people.Received tasks in jira, created a new branch to solve this task. Wrote unit tests for each task.
Java mentor
Develop web application with spring boot.