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Регистрация: 13.07.2022

Gleb Danichev

Специализация: backend
Golang Developer. Expirience in
Golang Developer. Expirience in


s3 group job

Developing from zero to prod ETL job on Golang. This job transfers JSON rows with modifications from one S3 bucket to another in various formats (Parquet, CSV, JSON). I speed this job up several times, each by 3-10 times. Maintain high stability of this job.

streaming system in Avito

Developed, implemented, and maintained a distributed data processing system with 300m online enriched events per day. Built API for 1,3 trillion documents Elastic cluster. Built API for reading Kafka topic with 150k/s events. Built a reporting system. Migrating hundreds of Parquet TB from Vertica to Elastic.

Crypto Exchange

Developed backend of the Exchange. Maintain real-time statistics data structures. Build REST and Web Socket API over them.


task solving

Опыт работы

Senior Go-backend developer
с 03.2022 - По настоящий момент |Crypto Exchange
Golang, MongoDB, Kafka
Developed backend of the Exchange. Maintain real-time statistics data structures for traders, such as candles, order books. Build REST and WebSocket API over them.
Senior Go-backend develope
01.2020 - 03.2022 |Avito
Golang, Kubernetes, Clickhouse, Kafka, Microservices, ElasticSearch, PostgresQL, ProtoBuff.
Custom development for internal clients in Avito. Developed, implemented, and maintained a distributed data processing system with 300m online enriched events per day. Built API for 1,3 trillion documents Elastic cluster. Built API for reading Kafka topic with 150k/s events. Built a reporting system. Migrating hundreds of Parquet TB from Vertica to Elastic.
Backend Java Developer
09.2017 - 08.2019 |Yandex
Java 11, MongoDB, Spring, GraphQP, gRPC, MapReduce, JavaScript, Zookeeper
Backend Java Developer Worked on afisha.yandex.ru backend. Worked on event schedule import and aggregation for whole Russia and neighbors. Worked on REST, GraphQL gRPC, SOAP API for events, orders, sessions, and so on with 1k RPS. Worked on integration with a hundred partners. Worked on order reserve and payment processing. Worked on CMS making users happier. Refactored. Conducted code reviews. -Designed and implemented a subscription feature with thousands of users. -Designed and implemented an algorithm that increased movie purchase conversion by 10%. -Designed and implemented a shopping cart feature with 30 write RPS. -Participated in establishing the coding and unit-testing standards in my team. -Proposed and introduced a code analysis tool used in the team to increase code quality and reduce bugs. -Proposed and introduced a tool to keep documentation actual. -Designed and implemented a multithreaded sitemap crawler to keep links working.


Computer Science (Магистр)
2008 - 2014


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