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Регистрация: 19.09.2022

Sergiy Artyukh

Специализация: Back-end
Software Engineer with very wide experience in Java technology field and 20 years of a professional career. During this time I have been working on various projects and with many teams, developing a wide range of systems – from embedded to multi-server. Most of the work I’ve done belongs to Java back-end, Spring with microservices being the most recent. Projects under my belt were mostly developed from scratch with the full life-cycle – from user stories to architecture and technologies selection, implementation and testing, deployment and then support. Testing and code quality are first-class citizens in my workday routine. Having had a lot of work done as an individual developer, I am also a great team player with strong communication skills. Moreover, I am confident with making decisions, solving problems and taking responsibility.
Software Engineer with very wide experience in Java technology field and 20 years of a professional career. During this time I have been working on various projects and with many teams, developing a wide range of systems – from embedded to multi-server. Most of the work I’ve done belongs to Java back-end, Spring with microservices being the most recent. Projects under my belt were mostly developed from scratch with the full life-cycle – from user stories to architecture and technologies selection, implementation and testing, deployment and then support. Testing and code quality are first-class citizens in my workday routine. Having had a lot of work done as an individual developer, I am also a great team player with strong communication skills. Moreover, I am confident with making decisions, solving problems and taking responsibility.


Yomani Payment Terminal software

Developing software for a payment terminal which allowed to conquer the whole market of Finland in just few months. Innovative ideas of payment flow prediction to speedup the process allowed sellers to increase volumes by serving customers faster and by attracting shoppers with queue-free shops. Ability to apply a custom UI and workflows helped merchants to adjust the PoS to their business and to avoid adjusting their payment flow to the terminal's one.

Cargo position tracking

I was designing and implementing large-scale (tens of thousands vehicles) fault-tolerant vehicle tracking solution (geopositioning) for customers in Finland and Middle East.

Fraud prevention system

My role was: Senior Scala Developer My responsibilities included feature estimation, technical decision making, mentoring team members, keeping the code quality. I was in charge of batch and real-time processing pipelines - Spark, distributed caches and databases.


Reactive programming

Опыт работы

Associate Scala Developer
07.2020 - 02.2022 |Morgan Stanley
Scala, Akka, Spark
I was in charge of feature estimation, technology stack selection, writing the code, keep the code quality and mentoring other team members.
Tech Lead
07.2017 - 07.2019 |Nordea
Java, RxJava, Spring, Microservices, Cucumber, Kafka, RDBMS, REST, SOAP
I was in charge of designing the API (solely) and implementing the back-end (as part of a team).
Senior Java Developer
06.2014 - 11.2014 |Visma Group
Java, OSGi, Apache Camel, Thymeleaf
I was in charge of designing and implementing a solution for government entities to manage contracts/decisions in electronic format with e-signatures which were coming from citizens and authorities.
Senior Java Developer
08.2013 - 05.2014 |Elisa Oyj
Java, SOAP, Oracle 11i
I was in charge of implementing parts of an IPTV provider solution for this Finnish telecom company.
Senior Java Developer
08.2011 - 08.2013 |Point Transaction Systems (Verifone)
Java, J2EE, Postgres, Solr
I was in charge of designing a payment terminal management system (solo developer). Followed that I was creating software for payment terminals itself (two-person team project).
Senior Java Developer
12.2010 - 07.2011 |Indagon
Java, OSGi, MongoDB, Eclipse Virgo, VIRVE
I was in charge of designing and developing a large-scale fault-tolerant vehicle tracking system based on a set of proprietary geoposition protocols. The system is still in use in Finland and Middle East.
Senior Java Developer
06.2007 - 11.2010 |Tampere State Hospital
Java, Spring, Postgres
I was designing and implementing a collaborative patient transportation system with vehicle tracking, availability prediction, routing, financial systems integration and real-time cost optimization.
Senior Java Developer
12.2003 - 05.2007 |Helsinki State Hospital
Java, J2EE, Postgres
I was in charge of designing, implementing and deploying a logistics solution for the internal transportation in the hospital. The system consists of three parts - back-end, mobile client with offline capabilities and GUI for a dispatcher workstation.
UI Developer
08.2003 - 11.2003 |JetBrains
Java, Swing, Java 2D
Work on query language support in the company's IDE.
Java developer
09.2001 - 05.2003 |Nix Solutions
Java, JBoss, J2EE, JMS, MQSeries, DB2
I was in charge of implementation and development of several modules in a Warehouse Management System.


Computer Systems and Networks (Магистр)
1996 - 2001
National Airspace University "Kharkiv Aviation Instistute"


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