Quality Assurance Automation Engineer
с 02.2023 - По настоящий момент |PashaPay
Java, Selenium, Kubernetes, MongoDB, CockroachDB, Redis, PostgreSQL, Gatling , Scala, Spring Boot , Cucumber, Appium, Flutter · GitHub Actions, OpenAPI generator, Maven, Ubuntu, Git, Docker, Allure, JUnit, Rest-assured
Main product: Mobile e-wallet application
1. Development and maintenance of the current test framework
- e2e tests
- integration tests
- component tests
- load tests
- refactoring
- PR review
2. Testing at all stages of the release cycle
- shift-left testing
- testing in feature environment
- testing in dev environment
- testing in a stage environment
- production testing
3. Maintaining test documentation
- test plans
- test suites
- tet-cases
- checklists
4. Mentoring QA team colleagues (one middle auto and one junior manual)
5. Conducting interviews
QA Automation Engineer
03.2021 - 01.2023 |Uptempo.io
Ubuntu, Java 11, Maven, Junit5, Selenide, Selenoid, Moon, Owner, Allure, Rest-assured, OpenApi-generator, Cucumber, Jenkins, Gitlab, AWX, Postman, Jira, Confluence
— Working at customers shop, job, and resource management modules in distributed, international team from Canada, Germany, Bulgaria, and Russia.
— Have increased automation percentage.
— Web test automation: worked on E2E testing project using java, selenium, cucumber, allure.
— API test automation: developed REST API project from the scratch by dint of rest-assured, mockserver, openAPI generator.
— Testing documentation: test-plans, test-cases, checklists, bug-reports.
QA Automation Engineer
11.2020 - 05.2021 |IQsoft
Windows, Java 11, Maven, Junit 5, Selenide, Selenoid, Owner, Allure, Rest-assured, Cucumber, Jenkins, Gitlab, Postman, Jira, Confluence
— Worked in a small team of three QAS.
— Was in charge of automation processes and mentoring manual QAS.
— Web test automation: created E2E testing project from the very beginning, which contains more than 100 automated scenarios.
— API test automation: developed a bunch of sets of REST API tests based on native java http client.
— Testing documentation: test-plans, test-cases, checklists, bug-reports.
QA Automation Engineer
09.2019 - 10.2020 |Infoservices
Windows, Java 8, Maven, Selenium, Junit4 , Jenkins, Gitlab, Postman, Jmeter, Jira, Confluence
— Proposed to integrate testing automation due to help developers and decrease workload of customers supports department.
— Web test automation: applied the most common test design techniques and practices of manual QA to the government and municipality systems.
— Ran automation testing project based on Selenium Web Driver.
— Load testing: exploring and assessing max load capacity of inner company servers using Jmeter.
— Testing documentation: test-cases, checklists, bug-reports.
Manual QA
06.2018 - 07.2019 |Diler-Group
Windows, Postman, Blue stacks, Jira, Confluence
Manual testing of web and mobile applications.