Instagram crawler
A service for Instagram, which collects a large amount of data from it (1 billion accounts and approximately 1 trillion posts) using the open php-scraper library and analyzing accounts in Instagram. Completely rewritten from POP to OOP using Front Controller patterns for cutting an infinite number of script files, Abstract Factory and Template Method for parsing various entities, Registry for tracking the parsing process, Domain Model for encapsulating the entities themselves and the logic of working with them. Added custom exceptions. Thanks to the use of reducing the number of requests, the speed of the script has increased 8 times. Later it turned out that Instagram closes part of the API, and another library must be connected to the parsing. I used the Adapter pattern to transparently use both libraries and the ability to switch between them via the config.
entirely my micro framework
site selling franchises
Platform for the sale of franchises and businesses. Laravel + VueJs. In addition to development, I also did a code review of my colleague.