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Регистрация: 14.03.2023

Vladislavs Korehovs

Специализация: Devops
I am an experienced DevOps/Java/Golang expert with excellent software design skills. I’m self-starting, assuming responsibility as an independent but cooperative team player. My transition to Golang from a C/C++ background gives me unprecedented problem-solving skills and analysis of mission critical problems (memory leaks, performance, profiling, etc). Modern minimalistic approach to system architecture and design, allowing dramatic improvement in project quality and maintenance times. My experience as a DevOps engineer gives practical feelings about software design and architecture selection as well as reliability of the whole solution.
I am an experienced DevOps/Java/Golang expert with excellent software design skills. I’m self-starting, assuming responsibility as an independent but cooperative team player. My transition to Golang from a C/C++ background gives me unprecedented problem-solving skills and analysis of mission critical problems (memory leaks, performance, profiling, etc). Modern minimalistic approach to system architecture and design, allowing dramatic improvement in project quality and maintenance times. My experience as a DevOps engineer gives practical feelings about software design and architecture selection as well as reliability of the whole solution.



- Migrated from on premise Jenkins to Cloud based Gitlab with on premise runners. -Introduced stack trace monitoring (Error reporting in Stack driver). - Introduced Google Analytics to improve UX. - Developed Slack BOT to help with routine tasks. - Rolled out K8S to the test environment because the production setup was different from on-premises. - Automated minicube+helm setup to help developers. Introduced golang-based API gateway to production systems under load with minimal downtime. - Performed team leading tasks and later project manager tasks.


- Designed and developed Admin UI using Angular JS. - Incorporated a realtime IM system (Skype) to report exceptions (javascript and java) in order to react quickly to problems. - Rolled out Ansible, Jenkins, Docker, Mesos and Marathon for Devops tasks and automated deployment. This included automated DNS and reverse proxy provisioning for Marathon deployed microservices, later using Consul, Kong to simplify the approach. - Using Golang for microservices writing. - Mongo database for event/statistics storage. - Built a few UI applications from scratch using Angular2 and later switched to Vue/Vuetify. - Used Ansible/Docker to rollout projects in both Azure and AWS Clouds.


- Designed an improved Groovy/Java based framework for clipping text from web sites. - Participated in maintenance and delivery of technically challenging projects in a record timeframe. - Performed performance tuning. - Improved XML parsing (2x) and improved design to achieve higher performance (8-10x improvement) using the new framework. - Contributed many ideas to improve project design in a minimalist way. This reduced complexity and gained rapid delivery time for new modules. - Actively shared many agile practices like TDD and CI. - Introduced over 200 unit tests and configured the Hudson based CI system.



Опыт работы

Senior DevOps Engineer
03.2021 - 03.2023 |Veloce Riga
- Introduced Google Cloud to the company while preserving AWS. - Replaced swarm with AppEngine. - Set up monitoring, Telegram/Mattermost bots for common tasks, Alerts, Status Dashboard, Code Quality and security continuous monitoring. - AWS X-Ray to see real time production issues.
DevOps Engineer
01.2020 - 03.2021 |CTCO
Speedup of complex Jenkins Builds, built and designed in-house CTCO Cloud, based on VmWare ESX + vSphere, Ubuntu Template, CloudInit, Puppet, Consul, Traefik and Nomad.
DevOps Engineer
08.2018 - 01.2020 |Bilderlings
Gitlab, Jenkins
- Migrated from on premise Jenkins to Cloud based Gitlab with on premise runners. -Introduced stack trace monitoring (Error reporting in Stack driver). - Introduced Google Analytics to improve UX. - Developed Slack BOT to help with routine tasks. - Rolled out K8S to the test environment because the production setup was different from on-premises. - Automated minicube+helm setup to help developers. Introduced golang-based API gateway to production systems under load with minimal downtime. - Performed team leading tasks and later project manager tasks.
Full-stack developer
03.2015 - 08.2018 |IPR
Angular JS, Angular2, Ansible, Jenkins, Docker, Vue/Vuetify, Azure, AWS, Mesos, Marathon
- Designed and developed Admin UI using Angular JS. - Incorporated a realtime IM system (Skype) to report exceptions (javascript and java) in order to react quickly to problems. - Rolled out Ansible, Jenkins, Docker, Mesos and Marathon for Devops tasks and automated deployment. This included automated DNS and reverse proxy provisioning for Marathon deployed microservices, later using Consul, Kong to simplify the approach. - Using Golang for microservices writing. - Mongo database for event/statistics storage. - Built a few UI applications from scratch using Angular2 and later switched to Vue/Vuetify. - Used Ansible/Docker to rollout projects in both Azure and AWS Clouds.
Full-stack developer
03.2013 - 01.2015 |HMH
- Re-designed and migrated two large scale e-Learning systems to AWS Cloud. This required migration from very old xml EJBs (JDK 1.4) and Websphere specifics to Spring annotation-based beans and REST-services running on Tomcat 7. - Fixed memory leaks, introduced JMX and python based self-check scripts with simple HTTP REST interface.
Full-stack developer
09.2012 - 02.2013 |KBC
- Performed Online Banking migration from JMS to Web Services (JAX-WS) in a record time. - Implemented automated deployments and improved the build system (Maven). - Fixed memory leaks. - Migrated from EJB to a lighter Spring based architecture with the ability to deploy to Tomcat.
Full-stack developer
07.2011 - 02.2012 |Eircom
JAX-WS, Jenkins, Trac, Sonar
- Participated in projects related to billing system integration (JAX-WS) from design stage to implementation and deployment. - Contributed build system (Jenkins), Wiki (Trac), Code quality tools (Sonar), introduced rule based architectural constraint enforcement (AspectJ), Contributed framework to transform RSS feeds into database content with minimal effort (Groovy Script), designed API for it.
Full-stack developer
03.2011 - 07.2011 |MOBILE AWARE
Groovy, Java
- Designed an improved Groovy/Java based framework for clipping text from web sites. - Participated in maintenance and delivery of technically challenging projects in a record timeframe. - Performed performance tuning. - Improved XML parsing (2x) and improved design to achieve higher performance (8-10x improvement) using the new framework. - Contributed many ideas to improve project design in a minimalist way. This reduced complexity and gained rapid delivery time for new modules. - Actively shared many agile practices like TDD and CI. - Introduced over 200 unit tests and configured the Hudson based CI system.
Full-stack developer
03.2011 - 09.2012 |Exaxe
- Maintained existing systems, and proposed many improvements of application design. - Implemented youtube-style large scale file/record upload (6 million records) into DB. This required database tuning tasks.
Full-stack developer
11.2010 - 03.2011 |Allfinanz
Spring, Hibernate
- Participated in hardening and refactoring of existing products. Improved Spring and Hibernate usage in accordance with best practices. - Stabilized unit tests (race conditions). - Introduced design constraints (checks) via AspectJ at compile time. - Performed performance analysis and improved performance by a factor of 10. - Fixed memory leaks and Classloader issues.
Full-stack developer
03.2008 - 05.2010 |Amartus
- Significant contribution to the project design and architecture for IXIA’s (www.ixia.com) J2EE broadband network testing product. - Improved and modernized existing JMS based Event/Action framework with retrofit of Spring Framework and IoC based Workflow. - Performed rapid migration to Hibernate (technical problems with Toplink). - Solved multiple architectural issues related to transaction atomicity. - Introduced concept of compensational transactions to simulate distributed long-running transactions. - Solved many critical memory leaks and performed performance tuning (x100 improvement). - Introduced and actively shared many agile practices like TDD, WIKI, and CI. - Introduced over 100 unit tests and configured the Hudson based CI system.
Full-stack developer
09.2007 - 03.2008 |ISS International
- Integration, design and development of the Interfaces for streaming live audio/video content towards 3G mobile networks (Video Calls). - Design and development of IVVR.
Full-stack developer
09.2004 - 09.2007 |Accenture
Hibernate, Spring, Web Services
- Integration, design and development of Provisioning system for major European mobile operators. - Contributed Java Agent Framework design which used technologies like: Hibernate, Spring, Web Services. - For one year project worked as a Kernel Developer for Nokia proprietary operating system (FreeBSD 4.3 kernel) for 3G network (GGSN/SGSN nodes).
Full-stack developer
01.2002 - 09.2004 |KS LLC
Java, C++
- Performed network administration tasks. - Introduced centralized monitoring system (NAGIOS based). - Participated in development (Java/C++) of a distributed system for discount card processing in the shops.


Information Technology (Бакалавр)
2004 - 2008
ISMA University


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