Aleksei Rodchenko
Sberbank AI-dashboard
Developed time-series model for forecasting Sberbank's business indicators. Created Oracle database scheme. Developed a backend of an intelligent dashboard for NRT detecting abnormal behavior of 20,000 bank's business indicators using forecast data. Dashboard shows only indicators being currently abnormal.
Created a ground uplink station (GUS) for transmitting SDCM information (SDCM is a system for improvement of GPS and GLONASS accuracy, reliability and availability on the territory of Russia) to communication satellites (hardware and software development). Performed modeling and preliminary design of SDCM satellite channels (satellite link budget calculation, satellite service area modelling). Managed the development of a second generation SDCM resulting in decrease the error of satellite navigation from 1.5 m to 0.5 m, and decrease the time of integrity fail warning from 10 to 6 seconds (according to first generation SDCM)
Yandex Praktikum projects
Some of the projects made during Yandex training course. EDA, regression tasks, classification tasks, time-series, NLP, computer-vision.