Vitali Ulasenkou
VEB Technologies LLC
Participation in projects: Marketplace backend: core web api, http rest, jwt auth, mssql, EF core, redis, mongo, mailkit, hangfire, Swagger (OpenAPI), automapper, serilog, ELK, open XML, docker/kubernetes, jira, bitbucket. Visa Alias Service (for Visa inc.): core web api, http rest using mutual tls, JWE/JOSE, docker/kubernetes, redis, MSSQL Server, EF core, Swagger (OpenAPI). Remote customer service system (backend) API for Android, IOS and web apps, MVC, Oracle DB, net.framework 4.7, Razor, html, pdf generation, mailkit, Google Firebase, EF, ora.db connect, IIS. API Gateway core, Ocelot, SQL Server +EF Core, Redis, Jwt auth, Swagger, Docker / Kubernetes.
Enterprise ERP system
Development of business logic and infrastructure, import, parsing and generation of documents, import and export of bank document data and interaction with external systems, generation of warehouse documents. ( core MVC, Razor Pages, ms sql, entity framework, web api, angular (typescript, javascript), azure devops server). Personal clients apps http rest, SQLite + EF, win forms, .net framework.
IBA Group
ATM and infokiosk control system .net framework, http rest, MS SQL Server + EF. Microcontroller System Embedded C, c-like language.