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Регистрация: 28.07.2022

Samat Kalshabekov

Специализация: Software engineer / MERN (Mongo, Express, React, Node)


Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools(C-B)

Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools(C-B) - I have got a lot of `soft skills` by teaching computer science. Students were very interested in this subject; we did many projects together. There was a lot of work on students' imposter syndrome, critical thinking tasks, team, and solo performance on projects. I am happy to know that many students chose IT as their primary education after graduation.


React, Node[Knex,express], Postgresql [PL/SQL]., VS-Code, WinSCP, Putty, Nginx, DBeaver, Jira, Git, Putty. - I was working on an ERP platform. The main problem of the company was the small number of goods that the platform can deliver to customers. - I’ve created many sub-projects like barcode-generator to weight products, revision control system, administrator dashboard reports to customers, and refactored front end code by rewriting 80% of it on better patterns. ERP Subscriptions were directly based on the amount of these goods. Some big local sales companies purchased subscriptions only because of these goods. - I was delegating later projects by dividing them into subtasks and sharing them between the front-backend team. Also, I have been inviting my students from the school, where I used to teach before, to internships.

Beeline, ТМ

- My job is to improve employee involvement in the Beeline Academy learning platform.



Опыт работы

Senior Lecturer
с 09.2022 - По настоящий момент |Narxoz University
06.2022 - 04.2023 |nFactorial School
Spreading Empathy. Generating Value. Having Fun.
Software Engineer
02.2022 - 03.2023 |Datarockets
Redux-toolkit, React-hook-form, Konvajs, Jotai, ChakraUI
Was working on a b2b project in USA&Canada to increase code quality anddeliver best practices as frontend developer;Did small research to project focusing on photo-video capturing company on Konvajs.
Software engineer
03.2021 - 02.2022 |Beeline
My job was to improve the employee involvement to BeelineAcademy learning platform. I have created ‘Marketplace’ project from scratch where users can start projects andinvite other usersbased on their profile skills. I did a lot on improvement of existing UI. Thelearning platform afterimprovements became useful and interesting to use.
Software programmer
с 06.2019 - По настоящий момент |TOO ISME
React, Node[Knex,express], Postgresql [PL/SQL]., VS-Code, WinSCP, Putty, Nginx, DBeaver, Jira, Git, Putty.
- I was working on an ERP platform. The main problem of the company was the small number of goods that the platform can deliver to customers. - I’ve created many sub-projects like barcode-generator to weight products, revision control system, administrator dashboard reports to customers, and refactored front end code by rewriting 80% of it on better patterns. ERP Subscriptions were directly based on the amount of these goods. Some big local sales companies purchased subscriptions only because of these goods. - I was delegating later projects by dividing them into subtasks and sharing them between the front-backend team. Also, I have been inviting my students from the school, where I used to teach before, to internships.
ICT Teacher
09.2017 - 06.2019 |Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools(C-B)
- I have got a lot of `soft skills` by teaching computer science. Students were very interested in this subject; we did many projects together. There was a lot of work on students' imposter syndrome, critical thinking tasks, team, and solo performance on projects. I am happy to know that many students chose IT as their primary education after graduation.


cisco CCNA
По 2014
Electronic certificates
Computer Systems and Software
По 2014
Suleyman Demirel University
Data Storage NetApp, virtualization technologies
По 2013
Learning Center
2018 IELTS:6.0 British-council, English language 2015 Cisco CCNA Pearson Vue, network technologies
2014 - 2017
Tests, examinations


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