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Регистрация: 14.06.2024



● Configuring and setting up dedicated servers according to client specifications, ensuring customization and performance criteria are met. ● Maintaining and supporting multiple data centers, ensuring high availability, efficiency, and compliance with standards. ● Setting up and configuring Content Delivery Networks (CDN) to enhance web service performance by reducing latency. ● Setting up and configuring hypervisors for virtualization, optimizing resource utilization and enabling efficient management of virtual machines. ● Conducting network bandwidth tests to ensure the infrastructure meets or exceeds expected performance benchmarks, optimizing for maximum bandwidth utilization. ● Configuring and setting up hardware RAID for dedicated servers, enhancing data redundancy and performance. ● Maintaining and updating OnApp cloud infrastructure, ensuring a secure, scalable, and efficient cloud environment. ● Responsible for installing, configuring, and maintaining Linux servers.


● Collaborating with project managers and developers to grasp project needs and deliver suitable solutions. infrastructure for microservices architecture using Cloudformation and Terraform. ● Automating continuous integration and deployment with Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, AWS code pipeline and Ansible. ● Automating daily infrastructure tasks using Ansible, Python and shell scripts. ● Infrastructure task documentation for future reference. ● Monitoring and analyzing application performance, and identifying areas for improvement using Zabbix and other tools. 1. Email Marketing WebApplication: ● Cloud Platform: AWS. ● Services Used: ECS, CloudFront, EC2, VPC, Lambda, Step Functions, S3, API Gateway, Aurora, Kinesis, ELB, Cognito, SNS, SES, EventBridge, WAF, RDS Proxy, KMS, CodeBuild, IAM, Route53. ● CI/CD : Gitlab CI/CD(Rollingupdate). ● IAAC : Cloudformation. ● Monitoring: Zabbix , Cloudwatch. 2. Ad Managment WebApp : ● Cloud Platform: AWS. ● Services Used: ECS, CloudFront, Athena, EC2, VPC, Lambda, S3, API Gateway, Kinesis, Cognito, SNS, Elastic Transcoder, ELB, ECR, SES,, WAF, RDS Proxy, KMS, CodeBuild, IAM, Amazon Inspector, Route53. ● CI/CD : AWS CodePipeline (Blue/green) , Jenkins. ● IAAC : Cloudformation. ● Monitoring: Sentry , Cloudwatch. 3. Additional Tasks : ● Infrastructure diagrams and documentations. ● Security Auditing. ● Cost optimizations tasks. ● Developer support for production releases. ● Training and Knowledge Sharing. ● Internal server patch updates.

Armia Systems

● Overseeing the overall functioning of a data center, ensuring optimal performance, security, and efficiency. ● Managing cloud migration projects from various platforms to the organization's own cloud infrastructure, ensuring minimal disruption and data integrity. ● Responsible for the installation, configuration, and maintenance of Linux servers, ensuring system reliability and security. ● Implementing Ansible for configuration management and automation, streamlining the deployment and operation of services. ● Managing essential services including Apache, DNS, FTP (Pure-FTPd, ProFTPD), SSH, and SSL, guaranteeing secure and efficient network communication. ● Installation, Configuration and management of Mail, Database and FTP servers. ● Designing, building, and deploying Docker containers based on specific requirements to support microservices architecture and application deployment. ● Employing continuous monitoring tools such as Nagios, Zabbix, and CloudWatch to promptly identify and resolve issues, ensuring high availability and performance. ● Developing and enforcing backup and recovery strategies to protect data against loss and ensure rapid recovery in the event of a failure.


AWS CloudFormation
GitLab CI
AWS CodePipeline

Опыт работы

DevOps Engineer
2022 - 2024 |InnovatureLabs
Communication, Coding Standards, Critical Thinking, Network Security, Cloud Infrastructure, Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Version Control, Amazon EKS, Amazon Web Services, Analytical Skills, Knowledge Acquisition, AWS CodeBuild, Python
● Collaborating with project managers and developers to grasp project needs and deliver suitable solutions. infrastructure for microservices architecture using Cloudformation and Terraform. ● Automating continuous integration and deployment with Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, AWS code pipeline and Ansible. ● Automating daily infrastructure tasks using Ansible, Python and shell scripts. ● Infrastructure task documentation for future reference. ● Monitoring and analyzing application performance, and identifying areas for improvement using Zabbix and other tools. 1. Email Marketing WebApplication: ● Cloud Platform: AWS. ● Services Used: ECS, CloudFront, EC2, VPC, Lambda, Step Functions, S3, API Gateway, Aurora, Kinesis, ELB, Cognito, SNS, SES, EventBridge, WAF, RDS Proxy, KMS, CodeBuild, IAM, Route53. ● CI/CD : Gitlab CI/CD(Rollingupdate). ● IAAC : Cloudformation. ● Monitoring: Zabbix , Cloudwatch. 2. Ad Managment WebApp : ● Cloud Platform: AWS. ● Services Used: ECS, CloudFront, Athena, EC2, VPC, Lambda, S3, API Gateway, Kinesis, Cognito, SNS, Elastic Transcoder, ELB, ECR, SES,, WAF, RDS Proxy, KMS, CodeBuild, IAM, Amazon Inspector, Route53. ● CI/CD : AWS CodePipeline (Blue/green) , Jenkins. ● IAAC : Cloudformation. ● Monitoring: Sentry , Cloudwatch. 3. Additional Tasks : ● Infrastructure diagrams and documentations. ● Security Auditing. ● Cost optimizations tasks. ● Developer support for production releases. ● Training and Knowledge Sharing. ● Internal server patch updates.
Cloud Engineer / L3 support Engineer
2020 - 2022 |Armia Systems
Communication, Coding Standards, Critical Thinking, Network Security, AWS, Analytical Skills, Knowledge Acquisition, Jenkins, System Configuration, DevOps, Docker
● Overseeing the overall functioning of a data center, ensuring optimal performance, security, and efficiency. ● Managing cloud migration projects from various platforms to the organization's own cloud infrastructure, ensuring minimal disruption and data integrity. ● Responsible for the installation, configuration, and maintenance of Linux servers, ensuring system reliability and security. ● Implementing Ansible for configuration management and automation, streamlining the deployment and operation of services. ● Managing essential services including Apache, DNS, FTP (Pure-FTPd, ProFTPD), SSH, and SSL, guaranteeing secure and efficient network communication. ● Installation, Configuration and management of Mail, Database and FTP servers. ● Designing, building, and deploying Docker containers based on specific requirements to support microservices architecture and application deployment. ● Employing continuous monitoring tools such as Nagios, Zabbix, and CloudWatch to promptly identify and resolve issues, ensuring high availability and performance. ● Developing and enforcing backup and recovery strategies to protect data against loss and ensure rapid recovery in the event of a failure.
L1 Server Engineer
2018 - 2020 |Hashroot
Communication, Coding Standards, Critical Thinking, Onapp, Network Security, Analytical Skills, Knowledge Acquisition
● Configuring and setting up dedicated servers according to client specifications, ensuring customization and performance criteria are met. ● Maintaining and supporting multiple data centers, ensuring high availability, efficiency, and compliance with standards. ● Setting up and configuring Content Delivery Networks (CDN) to enhance web service performance by reducing latency. ● Setting up and configuring hypervisors for virtualization, optimizing resource utilization and enabling efficient management of virtual machines. ● Conducting network bandwidth tests to ensure the infrastructure meets or exceeds expected performance benchmarks, optimizing for maximum bandwidth utilization. ● Configuring and setting up hardware RAID for dedicated servers, enhancing data redundancy and performance. ● Maintaining and updating OnApp cloud infrastructure, ensuring a secure, scalable, and efficient cloud environment. ● Responsible for installing, configuring, and maintaining Linux servers.


Plus Two
По 2014
De-Poul Angamaily Ernakullam
Computer Hardware Engineering
2014 - 2017
K.K.M.P.T.C Mala


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