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Регистрация: 20.10.2022
Alexey Subote
Специализация: System/network administrator
Put into service the organization’s official website
Put into service the organization’s official website and implemented its maintenance as a continuous process (linux, apache, php, mysql, drupal): setting up requirements, outlining design, assembling project team, drawing and enforcing website regulations, introduction, building and running editorial board, website operation.
Introduced internal EDMS of the research institute
Budget, procurement, setting up, introduction, staff training, operation.
Introduced High-performance computing cluster
Introduced High-performance computing cluster (kvm, ceph, opennebula): project statement, design, budget, procurement, setup, acceptance, commissioning, introduction, staff training, operation
Linux administration
Log analysis
Network administration
Network monitoring
Process modeling (EEPC, RACI)
Traffic analysis
Опыт работы
Head of Information Technology & Information Security department
с 01.2017 - По настоящий момент |POI FEB RAS
department, management, regulations, PC, linux, windows, LAN, WAN, IT security
Network administrator
05.2004 - 06.2008 |PortTelecom LLC
06.2000 - 06.2003 |Sytel CJSC
08.1999 - 12.2016 |POI FEB RAS (V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute) www.poi.dvo.ru
Computer science, system programming (Магистр)
1994 - 1999
Far Eastern State University, Vladivostok (2000),
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