Anastasia Bosyakova
Orbitsoft LLC
Development of high-load advertising management systems for site owners, agencies and advertising networks. Duties: - Planning and evaluation of tasks; - Design and development of new functionality; - Improvement and optimization of existing projects; - Writing automated tests; Implemented tasks: - Refactoring frontend of the ad management system to AngularJS, and backend to PHP using REST architecture; - Java statistics processing system using Hadoop technology; - Refactoring of RTB (Real Time Bidding) backend to Golang using microservices architecture; - Collection and storage of statistics using Apache Kafka and ClickHouse; - Service for sending push notifications.
Contact-Center LLC
- Creation and improvement of web-applications (creation of its own framework, internal applications, institution's website); - Development of MS SQL reports; - Development of terms of reference for third-party contractors (ERP-system of the institution); - Administration of servers, PBX, Vmware, SQL databases.
Citymobil LLC
Duties: - Planning and evaluation of tasks; - Designing the architecture of a technical solution; - Technical quality assurance; - Recruitment; - Identification of weaknesses and development of strengths in the team; - Employee motivation; - Participation in performance review; - Owner technical backlog; - Elaboration of product tasks taking into account business requirements; - Development of the basis or technically complex parts of the solution; - The role of the product SRE (full product life cycle, from development to deploy); Implemented tasks: - Acquiring technical solution development plan; - Refactoring of a monolithic solution, gathering acquiring in a package; - Unification of the technical solution for all acquiring providers; - Integration with three new acquiring providers (Sberbank, SmartPay, Best2Pay); - Refactoring of those acquiring solutions from PHP to Go microservices architecture with gRPC protocol; - CI/CD for Go-services; - Implementation of acquiring analytical data collection; - Implementation of holds for tokens (Apple Pay & Google Pay); - Payment with bonuses "Spasibo" from Sberbank; - SberPay payment; - Degradation and stability of the acquiring service (detection of problems, switching between acquiring providers, graceful degradation); - Implementation of integration tests; - Refactoring of the self-employed receipt service; - Mocks of acquiring providers.