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Регистрация: 17.02.2025

Кирилл Лисевич

Специализация: Software Developer
— A senior software developer with broad expertise in various information technology spheres.
— A senior software developer with broad expertise in various information technology spheres.


Alexa Voice Service
AWS Greengrass
AWS IoT core
Cooperative scheduler
Quantum Leaps embedded framework
Renesas SH7269

Опыт работы

Senior Software Developer
с 11.2019 - По настоящий момент |Klika Tech
С, lwIP https server, Role-based access control, STM32H7, Catch2 unit tests, Docker, FatFS, Python3 helper scripts, AWS IoT Core, OTAU, Optiga Trust M security MCU, Wirepas, PIC18, PicKit3 debugger, Silvair protocol, DALI protocol, High-Performance Embedded Workshop, ASM, FreeRTOS, Renesas SH7269, LwIP library, Renesas E10A-USB debugger, Ignition Scada, Sparkplug, Renode Framework, C#, CubeIDE, CMake, GCC, Bash Script, JTAG, Make, GNU Octave, Alexa Voice Service, ESP IDF SDK, ESP VA SDK, C++ ETL, LPC54S016, XIP, Catch2
1. Temperature monitoring system (development team - 5) - Senior Software Developer/Team Leader. ● Adding new features to legacy code, planning and implementing new functionality, creating documentation for end users and engineers, evaluating and planning the implementation of the project, responsible for both project and test’s environment maintenance, select technical priorities of the team, as well as allocate, delegate and control tasks execution. Technology stack: С, lwIP https server, Role-based access control, STM32H7, Catch2 unit tests, Docker, FatFS, Python3 helper scripts, AWS IoT Core, OTAU, Optiga Trust M security MCU. 2. Adding new SW features to PIC18 based board (development team - 2) - Senior Software Developer. ● Adding new features to legacy code, integration with backend service via wirepas gateway. Create documentation for developers. Technology stack: С, Wirepas, PIC18, PicKit3 debugger, silvair protocol, DALI protocol. 3. Renesas SH7269 MCU based system bugs investigation (development team - single) - Senior Software Developer. ● Investigate issues connected with MCU freezing and memory leaking. Implement solution code. Develop report documentation. Technology stack: С, High-Performance Embedded Workshop, ASM, FreeRTOS, Renesas SH7269, LwIP library, Renesas E10A-USB debugger. 4. Adding SPARKPLUG protocol to Renesas SH7269 MCU based system (development team - 5 people) - Senior Software Developer. ● Implement an event-triggered data send mechanism. ● Debug SPARKPLUG payload messages. ● Create test scripts for the Ignition SCADA. Technology stack: High-Performance Embedded Workshop, FreeRTOS, Ignition SCADA, Python, C, SPARKPLUG, Renesas E10A-USB debugger. 5. RENODE Simulation Framework research (development team - single) - Senior Software Developer. ● Running Amazon FreeRTOS MQTT functionality on STM32L475 RENODE Emulator MCU. ● Develop research report. ● Debug LWIP and embedTLS libraries. ● Modification of RENODE Emulator STM32L475 MCU config and framework’s internal code. Technology stack: AWS IoT core, FreeRTOS, RENODE Framework, C, C#, Python. 6. Amazon FreeRTOS OTA porting (development team - 3 people) - Senior Software Developer. ● Port Amazon FreeRTOS OTA functionality to STM32 Nucleo Pack dev board. ● Develop “Starting Guide” documentation. ● Build CMake and CubeIDE projects. ● Run IDT tests. Technology stack: AWS IoT core, FreeRTOS, CubeIDE, CMake, GCC, Bash Script, Python, C, JTAG. 7. Board manufacture tests (development team - 4 people) - Senior Software Developer. ● Develop new and modify existing board`s sensors tests. ● Write documentation on how to perform those tests. Technology stack: FreeRTOS, GCC, C, make, JTAG. 8. IMU sensor (development team - 5 people) - Senior Software Developer. ● Implement quaternions calculations in code. ● Measure and optimize code performance. Technology stack: GNU Octave, FreeRTOS, GCC, JTAG. 9. Implement MQTT over Websockets (development team - 4 people) - Senior Software Developer. ● Add WSS transport layer functionality to existing voice assistant SDK. Technology stack: FreeRTOS, AWS IoT Core, C, Alexa Voice Service, ESP IDF SDK, ESP VA SDK. 10. Implement OTAU agent and MCU bootloader(development team - 4 people) - Senior Software Developer. ● Implement OTA firmware update: download the new firmware and install it by swapping flash memory partitions. Technology stack: C++ ETL, LPC54S016, XIP, CMake, Catch2. 11. Took active part in presales: participated in meetings with customers and presented project demos, developed estimations.
Software Developer
11.2018 - 11.2019 |Neohome
ESP IDT SDK, GCC, IAR, File system, Unit tests, Testdriven development, IoT, STM8, ESP8266, ESP32, Code refactoring, Functional testing, FreeRTOS SDK
● Development of IoT platform. ● Development and software support on STM8, ESP8266, ESP32. ● Code refactoring, function tests, design and implementation of a cooperative task scheduler. ● Optimization of the SPIFFS file system based on ESP8266. Work with the ESP32 FreeRTOS SDK: ● Write tasks, integrate existing business logic. ● Compile programs for STM8 IAR, ESP8266 GCC, work with the linker script, expansion and optimization of the exchange protocol between MCU, implementation of http client/server running on ESP8266. ● Participate in the design of new and improvement of existing IoT controller, participate in PCB design process. ● Participate in the process of integrating the IoT controller into household technology.
Software Developer / PHP Developer
01.2018 - 11.2018 |Bitrix
PHP, JavaScript, Bash, SQL, HTML, CSS, PDO, Git, MySQL, XDebug, Profiler, Apache, MVC, CRM, 1C-Bitrix, Bitrix24
● Development of modules for the CRM system 1C-Bitrix, Bitrix24. ● Programming in PHP and JS, Bash, SQL. ● Work with HTML and CSS, composer, PDO, git, MySQL and xdebug, Profiler, Apache, MVC, regular expression.
Software Developer / PHP Developer
12.2016 - 01.2018 |W-LAB
PHP, JavaScript, Bash, SQL
● Development of the festt business automation ERP system.
Software Developer / Embedded Developer
11.2009 - 11.2016 |Nova Terra
C, Qt , ASM, FBD, LD, ARM Cortex-M3, CAN, ModBus RTU, RS-232,UART, I2C, SPI, ISP, JTAG, ADC, DAC, LCD, GLCD, SD memory card, DMA, NVIC, MPU, PWM, ARM JetLink ULTRA, AVRISP mkII, AVR Dragon, FreeRTOS, QP Active Object Frameworks, State machine, GNU toolchain, SCADA, Trace Mode 6, OPC servers
● Development and debugging of programs for microcontrollers (AVR, ARM Cortex-M3) and PLCs (Siemens"! LOGO", "Lovato"). ● Development of a hardware and software platform based on ARM Cortex-M3 for managing complex water treatment systems. ● Work with CAN, ModBus RTU, RS-232,UART, I2C, SPI, ISP, JTAG interfaces. ● Work with ADC, DAC, LCD, GLCD, SD memory card, DMA, NVIC, MPU, PWM. ● Work with programmers and debuggers ARM JetLink ULTRA, AVRISP mkII, AVR Dragon. ● Work with FreeRTOS, QP Active Object Frameworks, State machine, GNU toolchain. ● Work with oscilloscopes, data bus analizators. ● Setting up GSM / GPRS modems; installation and launch of water treatment systems, pumping stations. ● Configuration and launch of frequency converters ("Vacon", "Vesper"). ● Configuration and implementation of SCADA systems (Trace Mode 6), OPC servers.
System Administrator
2006 - 2009 |Intellect-Technologies
LAN, Hardware, Linux, TCP IP, Firewall, WAN, Active directory
● Repair and maintenance of office equipment on the road. ● Work with clients: consulting and solving problems related to software. ● Organization and configuration of a local computer network.


Computer Science (Бакалавр)
По 2009
Baltic Fishing Fleet State Academy


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