Node JS developer
10.2021 - 07.2022 |Kernelics, Difftone. Platform for surveys creation and handling.
Node.JS, TypeScript, PostgreSQL, AWS, Google Auth, Mocha, Chai, Github Actions, microservices
Difftone is a start up, which focuses on building platform for surveys creation, passing and analyzing.
Responsibilities: developing new microservices and deploying it via AWS, data models enhances and DB migrations for it.
Full-stack developer
12.2019 - 10.2021 |iTechArtGroup, EBANQ. Online banking software.
Angular 6, NgRx, TS, Sass, Web Sockets
EBANQ is an online banking software not only for end-users but also for bank administrators. It allows them to create and maintain customer profiles, accounts, manage fee structures and track revenues, manage client funds by viewing balances and statements, approving various transfers. As for end-users, the platform allows them to view and update their profiles, transfer funds between accounts and to other users and cards, order outgoing bank transfers as well as sending and receiving secure messages.
Responsibilities: full FE responsibilities: refactoring current code and expending project with the new features, straight communication with the client about goals and priorities, making high-level technical decisions.
Full-stack developer
12.2019 - 10.2021 |iTechArtGroup, Missguided. E-commerce
Node.JS, TypeScript, AWS, microservices, Express, Passport, Stripe
Missguided is a popular cloth brand all over the world. It allows browsing, choosing and paying online with a low latency and high scalability.
Responsibilities: BE responsibilities: developing new services, payment bug fixing.
Front-end developer
10.2018 - 12.2019 |IBM contractor, Cloud storage management system with it visualization.
Angular 6-9, TS, RxJs, Carbon, Sass, Canvas, Cytoscape.js, Leaflet (ngx-leaflet), OSM
Cloud storage management system. Provides a variety of tools for customer's sellers to manage and configure all the necessary parts of a project. In addition, it has a canvas layout to visualize all the parts and provides managing it from here.
Responsibilities: developing Canvas based graphic tool to display objects (tree hierarchy), their relations and interaction with them. Also using Leaflet to display objects location on OSM map.
Front-end developer
10.2016 - 10.2018 |IBA-Group, Redesigning internal software for managing and signing projects.
HTML 5(flex, grid), CSS, JQuery, Sass, Canvas, Lotus Scripts
Responsibilities: Developing software layout prototype and updating app to it.
Front-end developer
10.2016 - 10.2018 |IBA-Group, Billing system
Angular 2-5, TS, RxJs, PrimeNG, Scss
Software for managing work with billing system. Application helps customer's employees in every part of customer's business from accounting to traffic counting and tariff choosing.
Responsibilities: Developing front-end modules, business logic implementation, REST-services integration. UI layout development, multilanguage support.
Front-end developer
10.2016 - 10.2018 |IBA-Group, Transport tracking web-application,
Angular 6-7, TS, RxJs, Angular Materials, Sass, Canvas, Leaflet (ngx-leaflet), OSM, grpc-web, wasm, sql.js, Workers, IndexedDB
Software for managing transport schedules, drawing and tracking optimum routes.
Transport tracking web-application. Software for managing transport schedules, drawing and tracking optimum routes. App also provides live info for stops and incoming transport with a great UI/UX design for an end user.