Maintenance of processing systems working in a mode 24x7x365. Ensuring the smooth operation, control, rapid solution of problems. Work with Oracle RDBMS 9i,10g,11R2 - the solution of administrative tasks. Administration of RHEL, AIX, Power-servers, San-switchs, DSS. The decision-specific division of tasks.
The introduction of SSL technology to communicate with the terminal equipment. Testing, debugging, analysis and Troubleshooting, starting at the prom.operation.
The project of SMS-informing. Testing, debugging, interaction with company-developer, the launch of commercial operation.
The project of Fraud monitoring. Testing, debugging, interaction with company-developer, starting at the commercial operation.
Implementation of a terminal server to access applications. Install, configure, debug, start in commercial operation, support.
participation in the project of PCI DSS certification. My role: preparation, testing and implementation of the recommended for the certification of changes in the IT infrastructure of the processing center in terms of servers and RDBMS.
modernization of infrastructure system, resulting in increased productivity and reliability, project management. Transfer the system kernel to a new technology platform. Migration from Oracle 9g i386 x32 to Oracle 11Gr2 x64 power. The project lasted about 4 months. The procedures of transfer to the new platform for about 3-6 hours at night with a full stop, and restart services. My role: preparing for migration, planning, configuration testing, participation in the migration process.
Implementation of table partitioning. Role: analysis, planning, tests, implementation. The process of migrating to a new way of organizing the data took about 18-22 hours. Was performed by me at the agreed service window with the suspension of all basic functions. In the development task written in the script generate Dynamic SQL code to support partitioning of current data - allows you to make monthly table partitioning...