Daria Yuferova
● Calculated payroll and salary ranges for 2,000+ positions. ● Conducted job grading (Hay methodology) and benchmarking analysis. ● Conducted market research resulted in implementing new grading system. ● Participated in salary increase process and its automation. ● SAP automation (implementing enhancements, system testing). ● Annually updated salaries across the country, developed regional coefficients. 1. Job Postings for Data Analysts: ● Analysis of the US job postings dataset (20,000+ rows) and interactive geodata visualization. SQL (managing tables, aggregate functions, CTE) + Python (pandas, plotly) + Jupyter Notebook (jupysql). 2. Recipes Website Analysis: ● Web scraping recipe titles to find and visualize the most popular ingredients. Python (pandas, requests, beautifulsoup, nltk, matplotlib, wordcloud) + Jupyter Notebook.
● Calculated and modeled the dynamics of the Gender Equality Index for 4 group companies, made suggestions for improvement. ● Conducted comparative market analysis of the compensation structure. ● Conducted market analysis to identify the best candidate profiles. ● Updated the internal job classification system (Mercer methodology). 1. Bike Rental Case Study: ● Descriptive statistics and EDA of bike rides, visualizations and recommendations. Python (pandas, matplotlib, seaborn) + Jupyter Notebook. 2. Fitness Tracker Case Study: ● Cleaning and exploring smart devices data, visualizing trends, recommendations. R (tidyverse, janitor, ggplot, patchwork) + Jupyter Notebook.
Education Index
● Conducted competitor analysis. ● Consulted the students, prepared and translated their application documents. ● Reorganized and updated the company website. ● Represented the company at 2 international educational conferences. 1. My Netflix Activity Analysis: ● Cleaning and preparing dataset to investigate and visualize viewing patterns. Python (pandas, numpy, datetime, matplotlib, seaborn) + Jupyter Notebook.