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Регистрация: 28.07.2022

Abylaikhan Tussupov

Специализация: React JS / Javascript Developer


LimeOn Global Company

1. Developed a translator application called Soylem. ● Developed an application for parsing pages from news sites to fill the database for the dictionary. Technologies: C#, Windows Forms, ADO.NET. 2. Developed WinRT application "Mobile Workplace" - a task management application. Technologies: WinRT, ASP.NET MVC, ADO.NET. MSSQL. 3. Worked on the online translator “Soylem Online”. Technologies: ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, Bootstrap, JQuery, Ajax. 4. Worked on the development of the company's internal CRM system. Technologies: SharePoint, C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET, MS SQL. 5. Worked on the project “Collective Work System of Baiterek Holding”. Technologies: SharePoint, C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, MS SQL, PowerShell, Ajax, Rest. 6. Worked on the Corporate portal for “Eurasian Resources Group”. Technologies: SharePoint, C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, MS SQL, PowerShell. 7. Developed an “Information system of project management” for “Kazakhmys Corporation". Technologies: MS Project, SharePoint, C#, JQuery, Rest, Workflow. 8. Developed features for the company's internal portal on SharePoint Online. Technologies: JavaScript, Ajax, Rest. 9. Developed an application for SharePoint Online to display all user tasks from the entire site collection. Technologies: JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, Rest.

Sapa Software

Worked at fronend part of Public Procurement Portal for "Eurasian Resources Group" using React JS and TypeScript: ● Created a lot of React components. ● Created Site Pages. ● Created Forms using React Hook Form. ● Realized state management between React components using Redux Toolkit. ● Styled components from scratch using SCSS. ● Implemented transition between pages using React Router. ● Developed complex React components. ● Developed complicated Table Component with Paging and editable rows. ● Worked with API using Axios library. ● Implemented Websocket using Stomp.js. ● Created Authorization and Registration Form. ● Implemented two types of Authorization and Registration: - By login and password. - By digital signature.


Developed the business process management system called Tengri BPM ● Developed new components using React JS and Redux, and also modified existing components. ● Rewritten components using React Hooks. ● Optimized the frontend part of the application using Redux-ORM. ● Modified Web api applications on ASP.NET Core, developed services. ● Developed a service for periodically launching tasks using the Hangfire library. ● Configured the database, wrote stored procedures in MS SQL and PostreSQL.


React JS
React Hook Form
Redux Toolkit

Опыт работы

React JS Developer
с 07.2021 - По настоящий момент |Sapa Software
React JS, TypeScript, React, React Hook Form, Redux Toolkit, SCSS, React Router, Axios, Stomp.js
Worked at fronend part of Public Procurement Portal for "Eurasian Resources Group" using React JS and TypeScript: ● Created a lot of React components. ● Created Site Pages. ● Created Forms using React Hook Form. ● Realized state management between React components using Redux Toolkit. ● Styled components from scratch using SCSS. ● Implemented transition between pages using React Router. ● Developed complex React components. ● Developed complicated Table Component with Paging and editable rows. ● Worked with API using Axios library. ● Implemented Websocket using Stomp.js. ● Created Authorization and Registration Form. ● Implemented two types of Authorization and Registration: - By login and password. - By digital signature.
Lead Developer
с 01.2018 - По настоящий момент |iSate
React JS, Redux, React Hooks, Redux-ORM, ASP.NET Core, Hangfire, MSSQL, PostreSQL
Developed the business process management system called Tengri BPM ● Developed new components using React JS and Redux, and also modified existing components. ● Rewritten components using React Hooks. ● Optimized the frontend part of the application using Redux-ORM. ● Modified Web api applications on ASP.NET Core, developed services. ● Developed a service for periodically launching tasks using the Hangfire library. ● Configured the database, wrote stored procedures in MS SQL and PostreSQL.
.Net Developer
01.2014 - 12.2017 |LimeOn Global Company
C#, Windows Forms, ADO.NET, WinRT, ASP.NET MVC, MSSQL, Entity Framework, Bootstrap, JQuery, Ajax, SharePoint, JavaScript, ASP.NET, PowerShell, Rest, MS Project, Workflow
1. Developed a translator application called Soylem. ● Developed an application for parsing pages from news sites to fill the database for the dictionary. Technologies: C#, Windows Forms, ADO.NET. 2. Developed WinRT application "Mobile Workplace" - a task management application. Technologies: WinRT, ASP.NET MVC, ADO.NET. MSSQL. 3. Worked on the online translator “Soylem Online”. Technologies: ASP.NET MVC, Entity Framework, Bootstrap, JQuery, Ajax. 4. Worked on the development of the company's internal CRM system. Technologies: SharePoint, C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET, MS SQL. 5. Worked on the project “Collective Work System of Baiterek Holding”. Technologies: SharePoint, C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, MS SQL, PowerShell, Ajax, Rest. 6. Worked on the Corporate portal for “Eurasian Resources Group”. Technologies: SharePoint, C#, ASP.NET, JavaScript, MS SQL, PowerShell. 7. Developed an “Information system of project management” for “Kazakhmys Corporation". Technologies: MS Project, SharePoint, C#, JQuery, Rest, Workflow. 8. Developed features for the company's internal portal on SharePoint Online. Technologies: JavaScript, Ajax, Rest. 9. Developed an application for SharePoint Online to display all user tasks from the entire site collection. Technologies: JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, Ajax, Rest.


Information Technologies, computers and software (Бакалавр)
По 2015
L.n. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
Information Technologies, computers and software (Магистр)
2015 - 2017
L.n. Gumilyov Eurasian National University


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