Dmitri Poujlivyi
Amazon Services
• Designing, developing and maintaining high performance, low latency services within Amazon marketplace and Fulfillment. • Notable projects: high volume internal file transfer orchestration, seller oriented lightning deal recommendation system, high volume low latency fraud detection framework, auto brand recommendation ML framework.
American Express
• Worked as a programmer analyst for Global Travel Technologies. • Involved with multiple projects across a variety of platforms and technologies. Among the supported projects are port of a legacy C application to RH Linux; design and development of a communication component and front-end report presentation system in C#; port of a legacy client-server application to C#, later enhanced to support multiple global clients, currently supporting over 5000 worldwide users and constantly growing; design and development of web service components in Java.
Lucent Technologies
• Worked as contractor at Lucent Technologies NetMinder International project. • Was responsible for maintenance of existing code and design, coding and testing of new features for Data Collection part of the NetMinder product. • Worked in close contact with international customers providing troubleshooting, patches and solving problems related to network configuration (X.25, V.24, Datakit connectivity), protocols (X.25, TCP/IP, vendors proprietary) and Network configuration related problems. • As part of Data collection team designed and coded C++ classes encapsulating existing X.25 C library functions. • Build extensive experience with different hardware problems (VAX, SSFT, HP), Unix development environment (RCCS, Softbench) and object oriented design and development (aCC, Rogue Wave STL).