Уточнение деталей задачи
Стоимость, сроки, обязательства — все со 100% юридически обязывающей гарантией юридического лица
Формирование воронки и выход на собеседование только подходящего кандидата
Контроль ежедневной работы через CRM Rubrain.com в реальном времени
Sharing a mission, the same culture and work attitudes should be key to finding your developers. Employee perks, flexible schedules and engaging tasks will make them happy. If you see that you cannot cover all these aspects at your current stage, don’t hesitate to delegate it to HR and outstaffing companies, or hire professional ...
Это может показаться парадоксальным, но профессиональное равенство более выражено в России, чем, например, в Англии...
If you need to keep control over the workforce but eliminate their overhead and financial support, outstaffing is an attractive option. The responsibilities of the official employer are shifted to the contractor, and you manage the personnel, as usual, paying for the services of the outstaffer through their contract...