A Mobile App for Weight Loss in Game Form with the Ability to Bet and Win Slim Game
It was necessary to develop a mobile app for IOS and Android, where you could get money for the kilos you lost. The product should motivate people for losing weight in a game form.
Automation system of restaurant business FotoBox
The most useful technical innovations appear when it is necessary to solve a burning problem. Such is the case with the “FotoBox”. The idea for this system arose as a result of attempts to solve one of the main problems of restaurateurs – the problem of theft, especially if the restaurateur owns several catering establishments, moreover, establishments located in other cities.
A multiplatform mobile app & a web-site for a grocery chain Zhar-Ptitsa
Development of an IT-system, consisting of three components: - A 1C ERP-System. - A multiplatform app for IOS & Android. - A CMS Bitrix web-site.