Olga Romanenko
LitotaLabs LLC
The goal, set for the position I was offered was to establish the sales infrastructure for the new affiliated company, created to diversify the main business. As the Head of Business Development, I figured out what to start with to build a new business branch: collected information, built up the business development strategy and established processes, related to that, hired staff, calculated profits and losses, etc. Steps I made: - I made a full audit of the company's capabilities. Built the strategic company development plan, together with Founder, CEO, CTO, CVO of the company: - collected detailed information about the company, its achievements, further goals and vision of development by interviewing all decision makers and carriers of the necessary information. - based on the capabilities and experience of the company, I identified the target audience for the first cold sales; - identified sales channels and wrote down texts with which these channels can be worked out; - identified tools for automating the processes; - worked with channels and target audience, testing various hypotheses. Bottom line: I was able to bring several large customers who made significant profits to the company. As the Head of Sales I established the sales department and built the processes within: - hired marketers and lead generation managers, onboarded and trained them; - set up pipeline stages; - described the success and customer value of each step; - defined criteria for qualification of clients; - differentiated the concepts of a lead-deal; - defined the responsibilities of SDR and Sales specialists. I've built work processes to cooperate with the production & marketing departments.
Distillery is a company that has been working for the US IT market since 2008. In 2022 they decided to split into Russian and American branches. In December 2022 I joined the team to help them grow their business in Russia. I work directly with the CEO and the head of Resources department. There are numerous challenges when starting sales on a new market from a scratch. However, I liked the idea, because I have helped 2 other companies reach the same goal. 1) Managed the Strategic session with the CEO and worked out the strategy for the sales start. We went through the financial and business goals thoroughly and set the metrics that we have to achieve. Discussed the strategy and the company approach. 2) Did a market research to identify the target market, segmented it and identified the approach for each of the target audience subtypes. 3) Controlled the marketing kit preparation process and still continue being involved, trimming the materials according to the changing tactics. 4) Established the sales flow and continue making the adjustments. I described the sales pipeline stages and their meaning, worked out the criteria for the deals to match each stage. I regularly collect analytics and fix the bottlenecks. 5) Changed the sales team: hired a new BDM and a sales manager, trained him. Organized several training sessions. 6) Organized a business trip to Moscow with the CEO to visit our potential partners, CEOs and CTOs of the software development companies in their head offices. The meeting were successful and we agreed to start cooperation. 7) Signed 7 contracts and started 5 projects with the brand-new clients. These are the first clients for the company in the Russian market in 11 months. 8) Helped the Resource Management department to expand the network of the vendors that supply us with the staff. Together with the head of the department worked out the regulations for the team to follow after the change of the strategy.
1. Support for the software product development that the company performs for the client. What I was doing: - Management of interaction with the customer - onboarding of specialists, coordination of reporting forms, project tools, coordination of the vacation schedule of employees, sick leave, overtime, etc. - Resource and project management: weekly stand-ups, personal and team, if needed more often. - Tracking the satisfaction of specialists when working on projects. - Management of risks associated with the soft and hard skills of specialists (their behavior in the team and the quality of the work performed); - Communication with heads of development, DevOps, testing, etc. - Rotation of specialists between projects. - Communication with the sales and production department during the transfer of specialists involved in projects. - Project management: together with the team leader, we decompose the project into milestones, break it into two-week (most often) sprints and start work. I schedule daily/weekly meetings depending on the need. I monitor the timeliness of the delivery of tasks, the implementation of important releases, I participate in the presentation of the completed stage of work to the customer. 2. Documentary support of the project and financial calculations. The work includes setting and monitoring tasks, coordinating the accounting and legal departments. What I was doing: - Signing contracts, NDA and additional agreements. - Formation of applications and work orders. - Monthly reporting in the form of clients: collecting timesheets from employees, generating a time-money report, coordinating applications / the fact of production, etc. - Formation of closing documents: acts, invoices, invoices for VAT contracts, applications and receiving originals from the client. - Payment control. - Prevention of risks. - Reconciliation of indicators for half a year, a year. - I form a profit forecast from the client for the year and control.