Pavel Vasilev
Maxilect - a company that provides smart solutions for customers' businesses. Project: For bank-client, several similar Java backend Test automation projects at the same time. Responsibilities: ● Build from scratch several test automation projects (backend). ● Initial coverage of functionality with auto tests. ● Led fullstack QA colleagues. Which will deal with the expansion of coverage in the later stages of the development of the project. ● Implement new features as integration with some new instruments. Achievements: ● Nine projects are successfully operating. ● High coverage score for all projects(70-90%). ● Projects are in demand and actively used in software development. ● Fullstack colleagues successfully involved in test automation.
Altarix Information Technology & Services- Software company with their own solution. Project: UI testing State Services (Housing and Public Utilities). Responsibilities: ● Make and maintaining the work of the autotest project. ● Manual testing and create bugreports. ● Leading newcomers as test automation lead. Achievements: ● Independently organized auto testing on the project. ● Project successfully work , demand and actively used in software development.
Project: For bank-client, contract testing. Responsibilities: ● Create project, organize the work of a contract broker. ● Expand coverage of test automation project. ● Maintaining the work of the autotest project. Achievements: ● Project successfully work with several providers. ● Projects are in demand and actively used in software development. Project: For bank-client, ui testing. Responsibilities: ● Maintaining the work of the autotest project. ● Expand coverage of test automation project. Achievements: ● Project successfully work , demand and actively used in software development. ● Expand coverage from 40% to 80%.