Team Lead
12.2023 - 01.2024 |Light Service (Mirel RF)
React, NextJS (with server side rendering), Tailwind, PHP, Laravel (backend), MySQL, Redis (DB), Docker, Jenkins, Git, Jira, Kanban
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology (PHP Laravel 11, React NextJS Typescript, Tailwind, MySQL).
- Planning the databases for MySQL.
- Control design with responsive and adaptive in Figma.
- Planning and control SEO to creating SSR, and SSG strategies.
- Control performance of project.
- Control tasks, staff and deadline.
- Installing and configure deploying system: OS Ubuntu, PHP, NodeJS, Compose, Nginx, PM2, Jenkins, Mysql Server and Client, and other additional services for publishing project.
Team Lead
07.2023 - 12.2023 |Internet Provider (TTL.TJ)
React, NextJS (with server side rendering), Tailwind, PHP, Laravel (backend), MySQL, Redis (DB), Docker, Jenkins, Git, Jira, Kanban
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology (PHP Laravel 11, React NextJS Typescript, Tailwind, MySQL, Socket IO).
- Planning the databases for MySQL.
- Control design with responsive and adaptive in Figma.
- Planning and control SEO to creating SSR, and SSG strategies.
- Control performance of project.
- Control tasks, staff and deadline.
- Installing and configure deploying system: OS Ubuntu, PHP, NodeJS, Compose, Nginx, PM2, Jenkins, Mysql Server and Client, and other additional services for publishing project.
Team Lead
01.2023 - 03.2023 |Official Web Site President of Tajikistan
PHP, Laravel (backend), JS, React Typescript, SPA (frontend), MySQL, Redis (DB), Docker, Jenkins, Git, Jira, Kanban, Android
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology.
- Planning the databases.
- Control design with responsive.
- Control tasks, staff and deadline.
- Installing and configure deploying system: OS Ubuntu, Docker, PHP, NodeJS, Compose, Nginx, Jenkins, Mysql Server, and other additional services for publishing project.
Team Lead
01.2022 - 12.2022 |Online POS terminal for payment system to “Pamir Energy”
PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Android
- Integration with POS Terminals, OS Android.
- Creating and planning scheme for android application for POS Terminals.
- Creating Design and Architecture.
- Integration with FMFB bank API for payment systems.
Backend Developer
01.2022 - 12.2022 |Telegram BOT (Russian tax company)
PHP, Laravel, MySQL
- Integrating with API nalog RU of Tax company.
- Getting the data of non-depts of companies.
- Architecture of project.
- Creating application in PHP/ Laravel and BotmanIO.
React Native Developer
05.2020 - 10.2020 |E-Commerce Project Farad
React Native, Redux, React Navigation, Web Sockets, SocketIO, SQLLite, Axios
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology.
- Planning the databases.
- Creating design.
- Creating Logo.
- Integration with Payment System and SMS system.
- Developing Cart System.
- Developing Merchant System.
React Native Developer
01.2020 - 05.2020 |E-Commerce Project Ormon
React Native, Redux, React Navigation, Web Sockets, SocketIO, SQLLite, Axios
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology.
- Planning the databases.
- Creating design.
- Creating Logo.
- Integration with Payment System and SMS system.
- Developing Cart System.
- Developing Merchant System.
Team Lead
01.2019 - 06.2021 |
JavaScript ES5, SpatialNavigation, Axios, VLC, SDK LG, React Native, Redux, React Navigation, SQLLite
1. LG APP:
- I have developed LG app for LG TV project in pure JavaScript. For navigation, I have used Spatial Navigation from Netflix library.
- Also, I have learned API of SDK lg, and learned the process of publishing apps to LG Store.
- The apps have been successfully developed and published on LG Store. Everyone can download and install application on LG TV.
2. Mobile app Android/IOS IPTV/OTT:
- Added functionality register and login with oauth2 (Integrated with backend).
- Added functionality payment system for refilling balance with several payment system.
- Added functionality player for TV streams, movies, radios and music’s.
- Added functionality EPG for showing old recorded TV channels.
- Added functionality favorites, history.
3. Platform IPTV/OTT:
- Planning the architecture of Web Project.
- Planing the structure of this project.
- I have participated for integrating with several payments system and integrating with sms gateway servers.
Team Lead
06.2018 - 01.2019 |MTM Tajikistan
PHP 7.0, Laravel, CSS3, HTML5, CoreJS, JQuery, UnderscoreJS, MySQL, Nginx, API Rucard
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology.
- Planning the databases.
- Creating design.
- Integrating with local FMFB Bank system.
- Integration with National Bank system with card Korti Milli.
- Develop and implement Bank acquiring system.
Senior Frontend Developer
03.2018 - 07.2018 |EPAM Belarus
PHP 7.0, Laravel, JavaScript, MySQL, Nginx
- Developing front side application in JavaScript.
- Creating html and css templates from design.
- Creating modules calendar, widgets in front side.
Full Stack Web Developer
09.2017 - 03.2018 |Service IPTV
PHP 5.3, Kohana, CSS3, HTML5, CoreJS, JQuery, UnderscoreJS, MySQL, Nginx
- Creating Panel administrating for customers.
- Creating online call operators systems for supporting clients.
- Integration with payment systems.
- Support and developer current projects of company.
IT Specialist
01.2016 - 08.2016 |Tour project
PHP 7.0, Laravel 6.2, JavaScript, MariaDB, Nginx
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology.
- Planning the databases.
- Creating design.
Team Lead / Full Stack Web Developer
09.2015 - 09.2017 |MegaFon Tajikistan
Laravel, NodeJS, CMS Bitrix, PHP 5.6, CSS3, HTML5, CoreJS, AngularJS, JQuery, UnderscoreJS, Oracle, MongoDB, Redis
1. Official web site MegafonTajikistan:
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology.
- Planning the databases.
- Creating design.
2.Personal Cabinet:
- Creating Official web side MegaFon Tajikistan.
- Creating personal Capinets MegaFon Tajikistan.
- Creating online Shop of MegaFon Tajikistan.
- Support and develop current platform and subsystems of MegaFon Tajikistan.
3.Gaming project:
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology.
- Planning the databases.
- Creating design.
- Integration with payment System.
- Integration with Steam platform.
Backend Developer
07.2014 - 09.2015 |MegaFon Tajikistan
Laravel, PHP, NodeJS, Symfony, CSS3, HTML5, CoreJS, AngularJS, JQuery, UnderscoreJS, MySQL, Redis, Nginx, Steam API, SocketIO
1. Online store site MegafonTajikistan:
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology.
- Planning the databases.
- Creating design.
2.Steam gaming project:
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology.
- Planning the databases.
- Creating design.
- Integration with payment System.
- Integration with Steam platform.
3. Gaming project:
- Architecture of project.
- Choosing technology.
- Planning the databases.
- Creating design.
- Integration with payment System.
- Integration with Steam platform.